Map Location
Search window -> Site # field -> Site Search window -> SHOW MAP button -> Map Location
Counter Menu -> Delivery/Pickup Dispatch -> Ticket Details -> SHOW MAP button -> Map Location
The Map Locator utility can be used to find directions to and from your store and your customer's site.
Your firms preferred locator search engine can be triggered from the SHOW MAP button on the Site Search window, or from the delivery utilities including Outstanding Deliveries, Create Delivery Ticket, Close Delivery Ticket, and the pickup utilities including Outstanding Pickups, Create Pickup Ticket, Close Pickup Ticket.
This button is only enabled if the URL direction and map information has been entered in the Mapping Tools fields of the Address Tools to launch your firms preferred locator site in a standard web browser.
Whether the map is only opened in an embedded window or whether it also opens in a "new" window, can be setup on the Mapping Tools section on the Address Tools tab.
The web locator engine initially defaults to the customer's site address.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Map Location screen include:
•Change the Shipping Store:
A Division field is provided on the bottom left to re-select the store division address if required.
Then click the DIRECTIONS to generate the route information.
•Generate the To/From Route Directions for the Site/Store:
Click the DIRECTIONS button to choose whether the directions are for a delivery FROM the store, or a pickup being returned TO the store from the site, and to view the directions and display the route on the map.
•Change the Site Address:
Click the ADDRESS button to change the site address for the Map Locator.
This does not change the address on the delivery or pickup ticket.
Topic Keyword: SHOW_MAP (4090)