Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Default Profile Codes

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> General Settings -> Customer Types -> Default Profile Codes

Customer profiles can be defined by class in Profile Classes and further defined in sub-categories in Profile Codes to select and filter customers for management and reporting purposes.
 Refer to Customer Contact Management Overview for details.

This window can be used to associated Profile Codes with customer types, so that new customers assigned this Customer Type as the primary type, are also assigned these profiles.
 Profiles specific to a customer can also be accessed in the Customer Profile Information.

The prompts are:


All classes setup in Profile Classes are listed.


The class description is displayed.


All codes setup in Profile Codes are listed.


The code description is displayed.


Uncheck this box if this Profile Class/Code is not relevant to the customer type.

Check this box if this Profile Class/Code applies to the customer type.
 This Profile Class/Code will then be added to the profiles of new customers in the Customer Profile Information window in Customer Contact Information if the customer is assigned this Type as the primary type.
 The Profile Class/Code will also be added to any existing customers only when the Customer Profile Information window is accessed, and if no other profiles have already been setup for that customer.

Note: Profile records are not automatically removed if they are removed from the Type defaults, nor are they automatically removed if the customer's primary Type is changed.
 They are removed if the Profile Class/Code is deleted in Delete A Profile Class or Delete A Profile Code.


Click OK when completed.
 Customers with this primary type are updated.

Topic Keyword: CMPD01 (4092)