Account Review Required
Counter Menu -> Contract / Counter Worksheet / Reservations -> Details -> Description -> Account Review Required
The following two information boxes are triggered on a rental document detail and also from the Test Damage Waiver Per Item Limits when the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature has been activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings and the customer has insufficient Damage Waiver or Insurance coverage to rent this rental product, or the expiry of the customer's Insurance is pending.
•An Account Review is Required To Rent this Item
This information box is triggered on a rental document detail and also from the Test Damage Waiver Per Item Limits if a customer has insufficient Damage Waiver or Insurance coverage to rent this rental product.
The restriction is based on the Replacement Cost of the asset as defined in Rental Inventory, and the Minimum and Maximum value allowed for Cash and On Account customers in the Company Standard Waiver Settings, and the customer's policy insurance limit as defined in Insurance Information.
The information fields include:
The product number to rent is displayed.
The product description displays.
The Replacement Cost for the rental product as defined in Rental Inventory is displayed.
The customer must have sufficient Damage Waiver or Insurance to cover this value.
If the customer has some valid insurance the limit is displayed as set in the Insurance Information.
This field will be blank if the customer has no insurance or the insurance has expired.
This box is checked if the customer has accepted Damage Waiver on the document.
Click OK to exit the window.
Rental of the equipment is not allowed as the value of the equipment is not covered.
Customer's Insurance is Expiring
This information box is triggered on a rental document detail and also from the Test Damage Waiver Per Item Limits if the customer's insurance policy is due to expire within the next 30 days, as defined in Insurance Information.
It is only triggered as a warning once a day.
The information fields include the customer's complete insurance information with the number of days coverage left in the policy, and the product # and description to be rented.
Phone and fax numbers are provided for follow-up with the insurer.
Rental of the equipment is NOT restricted, as the insurance is still valid at this time, but a follow up reminder is written to Customer Contact Information for that customer.
Topic Keyword: RSDW05 (4109)