Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Process Portal Pickup Request Details

Portal Management -> Process Pending Pickup Requests -> Details -> Process Portal Pickup Request Details

This detail screen lists the outstanding Pickup Requests generated from the SRM Portal for the division selection.
 The transaction details include:


The sequence number tracks the transactions in this table.


The Portal confirmation request number is displayed.
 This is the request number to reference in communications with the customer about this request.


The contract number is displayed.
 A window is provided to view the contract information as outlined in View Document Information.


The division code is displayed.


The billing name from the contract is displayed.


The pickup date entered on the Portal Pickup Request is displayed.


The pickup time entered on the Portal Pickup Request is displayed.


A window is provided to view the specific products to be picked up, displaying the product #, description, quantity and status.

In the Details window, click the EXP/CON button to view any errors.
 Error conditions include invalid contract number, product number, pickup quantity, reference ID, or pickup date.


Uncheck this box to leave the Pickup Request as Pending in the queue.

Check this box to flag the Pickup Request as being processed and to included it in the Pending Pickup Requests report, deleting it from this queue.

If a Pickup Ticket is generated in Create Pickup Tickets the product quantity shows as Submitted in the Portal inquiries.
 Note: If the Pickup Request transaction number is entered in the Pickup Slip # field in the in Create Pickup Tickets screen when the Pickup Ticket is created, the details from the pickup request will automatically populate the new Pickup Ticket.

If the Pickup Request is processed but no Pickup Ticket is created, the quantity will be returned to the balance still out.

Expanded Detail Information

Click the EXP/CON button to view the Ship To name, requester name and phone, and the site contact name and phone.
 The email address from the Pickup Request and any note are also displayed, along with whether it was a Customer, Salesman, or Staff that generated the request with their associated email address.


Click ACCEPT to accept and update the requests, or CANCEL to abort.
 Confirmation is required.

Pending Pickup Requests Report:
 If the requests are accepted to be processed, a Pending Pickup Requests report is printed to the selected printer, and if this report is accepted then the selected Pickup Requests are removed from the queue.

The Pending Pickup Requests report can then be used to Create Pickup Tickets to complete the requests.

Topic Keyword: TXPH01B (4137)