Sales Order Totals
Order Entry Menu -> Sales Orders -> Sales Order Details -> Sales Order Totals
After the products have been listed on the order in Sales Order Details this summary and services screen is triggered to complete the order.
The prompts include:
The Sales Order number is displayed for reference.
The Customer number and name are displayed for reference.
Products can be assigned an optional weight in Sales Inventory that can be useful for delivery scheduling.
The total weight of sales products is displayed only if the flag in the Company Inventory Parameters is set to display the weight.
The weight of any negative quantities is not included in the weight total.
The total Extended selling price of the products is displayed.
The total value of the services on this document is displayed.
Order Services are setup in Service Codes with type O (Order service).
An order service can be flagged to be billed on only the first invoice generate from an order, or the same amount can be billed on every invoice produced from an order.
Services Window:
Additional services can be added to the document to be billed as follows:
•When initially opened on a new document, the Services screen is in CHANGE mode and displays the list of services available as setup in Service Codes.
Check the box in the Add field to include the services, and enter the correct Quantity with the unit Each amount as prompted.
The Extended amount is calculated as QTY * EACH and displays on the screen.
If this service does not prompt for a quantity, the each amount becomes the Extended amount.
Notes can be entered for each service. These Notes can be flagged whether to Print on the document.
Click OK to accept the service selection.
Any service records not checked will not be billed on the invoice.
•If the Services window is accessed a second time, now the screen displays only the selected services to be charged.
Additional services can be selected from the drop-down list provided.
Enter the quantity and the unit each amount.
The extended amount will calculate as QTY * EACH and displays on the screen.
If this service is not measured and does not prompt for a quantity, the each amount becomes the extended amount.
The total discount amount to be given on this order is displayed.
If Enhanced Taxing is utilized, the tax total is displayed.
If Standard Taxing is utilized, then Tax1 and Tax2 amounts are displayed.
Your firm's preferred taxing method can be activated in the Company Taxing Parameters.
The order total is displayed.
A window is provided to view and enter in any comments or notes, as outlined in Document Comments.
A window is provided to view any existing customer contact follow-up comments and where additional comments can be entered as explained in Contact Customer Comments.
The total accumulated deposits to date for this order is displayed.
A window is provided to view previous deposit details as outlined in Deposit History.
Note: Only unposted same day TP Credit Card payments can be completely Voided in the Deposit History window for Canadian or U.S. currencies, in the event an order is cancelled before the deposit clears the clearing house.
If applicable, enter the amount of the deposit for this order.
Deposit Refund:
If an order is cancelled or voided, any outstanding deposit must be refunded in order to close or delete the order.
A deposit refund can be entered as a negative dollar amount, usually in the same Methods of Payment that it was taken so that the same G/L Deposits Held account is updated by the change in value.
With Texada Pay if the 'Refund Existing Payment Only' control is activated in the Texada Pay configuration, a one-time refund can only be given if it is less than or equal to an existing deposit transaction amount.
Some clearing houses will not approve a refund unless the original payment has been processed and approved so if a refund cannot be processed immediately the operator is given the option to add the Refund Request to the TP Pending Refund Queue table to be re-submitted to the clearing house at a later time.
If the operator signed in has been flagged to utilize the Cash Drawer in Operators, the associated drawer opens per the Cash Drawer command.
If a specific drawer has not been assigned to the operator, then the default drawer assigned for the document division in Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters, opens.
An audit record is written to the Cash Drawer Inquiry for function OEOH03, with the system generated reason of "Sales Order".
If the Prompt For Clerk flag has been set in the Company Security Parameters, the Clerk Confirmation window is triggered to capture the clerk code and also the password if required.
Cash Drawer Icon
This icon is only displayed if the signed-in operator has a specific Cash Drawer designated in Operators, or there is a division default in Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.
It can be used to force the Cash Drawer to open even if no deposit was taken.
Clerk and password security is respected, and a reason for opening the drawer can be entered in the Reason pop-up.
The reason and clerk security is captured and logged in Cash Drawer Inquiry for function RSOD02.
Accept today's date, or type in the date the deposit was received.
Enter the payment method or select how the dollar amount was taken from the options outlined in Taking the Payment Options and Explanations.
The payment method is based on whether the Texada Pay feature has been activated and the currency of the Customer.
Check this box to print the Picking Ticket for the order.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Uncheck this box if the order does not need to be printed at this time.
Picking Tickets can always be printed later from the Print Order Picking Tickets options.
This field is only enabled when the "Use Contact Document Emailing" feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
Uncheck this box if this document should not be emailed at this time.
The order can later be emailed from Print Order Picking Tickets if required.
Check this box to email this document in a single email as outlined in the Compose Email.
Sales products ordered by a customer on a Sales Order can be immediately ordered from your supplier by creating a P.O. from the order.
Select one of the following options:
•Select Yes to create a Purchase Order to order the sales products on the Sales Order from your supplier. The new P.O. can be tracked in the Purchase Order Modification Journal.
The P.O. can be modified in Purchase Order, but changes will not be updated on the customer's Sales Order.
This action just creates a single P.O. to order & ship all the products from the same supplier to the store Division address.
It does not prevent the Sales Order from being invoiced before inventory receiving is completed, nor does the receiving automatically fill the Sales Order.
•Select No if no P.O. should be generated automatically.
•Select Drop Ship to create a Purchase Order to ship the sales parts directly from the supplier to the customer's site skipping inventory handling in your receiving/shipping departments.
The new P.O. will have the customer's site address as the ship-to address and can be tracked in the Purchase Order Modification Journal along with any changes to the P.O. made by changes to the source Order.
The P.O. "inherits" the shipping method and address from the Sales Order and cannot be modified in Purchase Orders, but any changes made to the Site address on the Order will automatically update the Ship-To address on the associated Drop Ship P.O.
Note: Only Sales Products from an order can be put on the P.O.
The Sales Part will not be added to the P.O. if the product has been flagged to "Stop P.O." in the Inventory Re-Order Information (Sales Products) window.
When a P.O. or drop-ship P.O. is created, this flag cannot be changed without deleting the P.O.
Any changes or additions made to the Sales Order products will also update the Purchase Order.
Any changes or additions made to the Purchase Order will not update the Sales Order as they may be for a different customer.
Refer to Purchase Order from Sales Order Overview for details on this feature and the process flow.
This Vendor Selection for Purchase Order window is only triggered if a P.O. is being created automatically to order the products.
COST UPDATE Confirmation
This warning is only triggered if a Purchase Order was created from this order, and the Unit Cost of any product on that P.O. no longer matches the Re-Order Price set in Sales Inventory, when the original Order is revisited.
This does not apply if the Re-Order Price is blank or zero.
Click the RESET COST button to update the cost on the P.O. to match the Re-Order Price.
Click the LEAVE COST button if the old cost should still apply to this P.O.
If the Picking Ticket is being printed the following options are provided:
Check this box to print out only new items on the order, that have not previously had a Picking Ticket printed.
Uncheck this box to print the complete order.
Uncheck this box to print a standard Picking Ticket without prices and extended amounts.
If the picking ticket is to be used for a Packing Slip, do NOT print the prices, otherwise the customer may confuse the Picking Slip as an Invoice and pay the wrong document.
Check this box to print the selling prices, extended amounts, and any deposit information on the Picking Ticket.
This is useful as a copy for the salesperson.
If a Deposit was taken the Print Receipt pop-up is triggered for the payment only if the 'Prompt for Payment Receipt' feature is activated in the Company Customer Forms Configuration settings.
If the order was printed and if a Purchase Order or Drop Ship PO has been generated directly from this Sales Order, the P.O. print options are:
•If the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is NOT activated in the Company Email Configuration the option to print the new P.O. is provided by the YES and NO buttons in the Confirmation pop-up.
•The Selection Required window is triggered to provide print and email options, if the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
The P.O. can also be printed or emailed later from Print Purchase Orders.
Refer to Purchase Order from Sales Order Overview for details on this product ordering feature.
Topic Keyword: OEOH03 (4185)