Purge Old Warehouse Receiving
Data Management Menu -> Purge Old Warehouse Receiving
This is a housekeeping program designed to delete old closed Warehouse Receiving transactions from the system.
To be considered eligible for deletion the Warehouse Receiving transaction (INWR) must meet the following criteria:
a) PO/Contract linked re-rentals will only be eligible for deletion if the INWR record is marked as closed, which happens when the final AP invoicing is entered and posted.
Any other type of warehouse receiving will be eligible for deletion if either the AP qty equals the received qty, or it has been marked as closed.
b) If the receiving record is referenced on any unposted AP invoices, unposted AP transfer adjustments, unposted one-step transfers (RSTD), open two-step transfers (INDD), or open Work Orders part (WOWP), then it will not be eligible for deletion, even if (a) is true.
Note: Be advised that once executed, this operation cannot be undone.
Hence, prior to running this request, verify in the play environment that the results obtained from running this operation are as expected.
The prompts are:
Enter the rental or sales product number to purge receiving transactions or select one from the Inventory Search window.
Enter the corresponding vendor product number or selected it from the drop-down box. Blank is allowed.
Only receiving transactions matching Our Product Number to the Vendor Product Number will be considered for the purge.
Enter the specific location of the receiving transactions to be purged or selected it from the drop-down box.
Note: This is the Central Purchasing and Distribution location if this feature has been activated in the Company Inventory Parameters.
Accept the cut-off, or enter a preferred cut-off date.
Receivings for this product matching the vendor number before this date at this location will be considered for the purge.
Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort.
A printer can be confirmed or selected from the Printer Selection window, accessible from the Printer -> Set Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Resulting Product Report:
A detailed list the receiving transactions for that product received at that location that are eligible to be deleted is printed, with the date of the receiving, quantity, P.O.#, receiving slip#, vendor#, receiving cost, quantity received, category, and manual or re-rent closed flag.
If your firm utilizes the Central Purchasing and Distribution feature as activated in the Inventory Parameters and the purge is run for the Central receiving location, the purge report will include all eligible products received at that Central location, with a breakdown of the quantity shipped to the end distribution locations.
Note: The categories, such as OE, WO, etc are established on the P.O. when applicable, and CE is used to identify a Contract/Re-rent.
Transactions can be closed manually in Close Open Warehouse Receipts.
Confirmation to Purge:
After the Purge Warehouse Receiving report is printed, confirmation is required to complete the delete action.
Click YES to initiate the purge of the transactions listed on the report, or click NO to abort and trigger a rollback on INWR99 to remove the eligible products from the queue.
Audit Tracking:
A summary of the deletions is automatically written to Audit Log for Purge Warehouse Receiving to track the date of the purge, the operator, the location, products and quantities.
Topic Keyword: INWR99 (4232)