Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Valid Attachment File Types

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Company Parameters -> Company Miscellaneous Parameters -> Attachment window -> Valid Attachment File Types

This window is only accessible to the SCS operator when there is an 'Attachment Directory' defined for the company in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
 This table can be used to list the types of files that your firm allows as attachments in the File Attachments windows.
 It is important NOT to include file types with extensions such as "sh","bash","pl","py" or "exe" as these are executable files. These file types will not be saved in this attachment type table.

Valid examples include: jpg, jpeg, pdf, xml, doc, docx, xls, rtf, etc.

An attachment upload will fail and a warning will be generated if the file is too large, or if the uploaded file was 0 bytes in size.

Note: Open Client sessions may still show files with 'invalid' extensions in the browse and search action, however the files will fail to be uploaded as attachments.

Topic Keyword: ATTACH03 (4273)