Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document
Counter Menu -> Counter Worksheet Details / Contract Details / Reservation Details / Quote Details-> convert -> Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document
Counter Menu -> Contract Summary / Reservation Summary / Quote Summary-> Services Window manual add 'Type D' Service -> Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document
When Service is Charged on each Ticket:
Counter Menu -> Deliveries & Pickups / Pickup Console -> CREATE button Create Pickup Ticket / CLOSE button -> Close Pickup Ticket -> Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document
Counter Menu -> Deliveries & Pickups / Delivery Console -> CLOSE button -> Close Delivery Ticket -> Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document
Counter Menu -> Contract Summary -> Create Delivery Ticket -> Close Delivery Confirmation -> Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document
This Delivery/Pickup window is only triggered if the document has been flagged for Delivery and/or Pickup on the document header, and there is at least one rental product on the document that belongs to a Group setup for Delivery and Pickup charges in the Group Service Codes window for a 'Type D' service.
The purpose of the window is to determine the correct deliver/pickup method using the ranked value for the service.
Refer to Group Delivery/Pickup Type-D Service Overview for information on this feature.
Note: If a 'Type $' Delivery or Pickup Service Code is assigned on the header of a document, it over-rides any "auto" assigned delivery or pickup including the 'Type D' ranked charges, to allow a customized service charge amount to be manually entered for special delivery situations, such as distance to the customer site.
The highest ranked 'Type D' - Delivery and Pickup service codes are displayed in the Default Delivery and Default Pickup fields, that apply to the Groups of the products on the document.
If there are no other 'Type D' services with same rank, this Default Delivery/Pickup will be displayed but the field will be disabled.
If there are other 'Type D' services of the same rank, as defined in the Delivery / Pickup Service Ranking table, the default field is active and a drop-down box is provided with the option to change the selection.
This provides the ability to setup multiple delivery or pickup services with the same rank but with different pricing and shipping requirements, that can be manually selected if there are multiple product quantities.
The paging screen, lists each rental product on the document that is in a Group setup with ranked Group Service Codes. This is information only and cannot be modified on this screen.
The information includes:
This value is the position of the product on the document.
The specific product number is listed.
The Group code that has been assigned the Group Service Codes is listed.
* An asterisk (*) is displayed to alert the operator when there are other Delivery services with the same rank that could apply. DLV CODE
The Delivery Service Code is displayed.
The rank for this Dlv Code as assigned in the Delivery / Pickup Service Ranking table is displayed.
The Delivery Service Code description is displayed.
* An asterisk (*) is displayed if there are other Pickup services with the same rank. PU CODE
The Pickup Service Code is displayed.
The rank for this PU Code as assigned in the Delivery / Pickup Service Ranking table is displayed.
The Pickup Service Code description is displayed.
Click OK to close the window and continue to the document Totals and Summary screen.
The dollar amounts billed on the document for Delivery and Pickup are determined by the values set in the relevant 'Type D' Service Codes and can only be modified if the operator has role Security Role Permissions according to the two Allow Edit of Dlv/PU Services flags and by the Allow Edit of Automatic Services flag set in the specific Service Code.
Note: The Delivery and Pickup codes selected according to the Group ranked 'Type D' service associated with products on this document replace the Delivery/Pickup service codes selected in the header of the document.
These additional two actions provided by buttons on the Delivery and Pickup Service Codes screen are only provided if Delivery and/or Pickup was not selected on the document header, and a product on the document belongs to a Group with 'Type D' associated Delivery/Pickup services, and the operator manually enters a 'Type D' ranked Service Code in the document Summary screen Services window.
•Apply the Group Delivery/Pickup Service Codes:
Click the USE DEFAULTS button to add and bill both the Delivery AND Pickup service codes displayed as the Defaults for this document.
•Add a Standard Service Code :
Click the DECLINE DEFAULTS button to add the Service code without employing the 'Type D' Delivery/Pickup processing.
An Over-Ride Reason can be required when Adding Delivery/Pickup Service Manually as controlled by Override Type Permissions.
Topic Keyword: DPSC01A (4339)