Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Company Email Configuration

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Company Miscellaneous Parameters -> Email Configuration window -> Company Email Configuration

Texada SRM software uses a PRO-IV built-in object to send mail that supports basic SMTP authentication, as well as TLS authentication.
 Email addresses can be setup for communication and reporting purpose in many tables as listed in Email Address Assignment.

Acceptable Email Address Format:

Email address validation respects the following rules:
 The local-part of the e-mail address may use any of these ASCII characters:

Uppercase and lowercase English letters (a-z, A-Z)

Digits 0 to 9

Characters ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~

Character . (dot, period, full stop) provided that it is not the first or last character, and provided also that it does not appear two or more times consecutively.

Default Settings:

The tab includes the emailing default values that can be defined for your firm as follows:


Generally when a report or document is sent in an email, the source is included in the Subject line of the email.
 This field can be used to designate a default subject to apply when an email is generated in the background that does not have a defined title.
 e.g. Automated Message


When reports are requested, they can be generated to a document or to an Excel spreadsheet.

Report output as a document always respects the printer currently selected in the Printer Selection window.

Report output to a spreadsheet always ignores the Printer Selection and respects this company control.

Uncheck this box if report output in spreadsheet format should always display on the screen immediately after being generated, and the email option is not required.

Check this box if operators should always be prompted whether to output the spreadsheet to the screen or to deliver the spreadsheet in an email.
 When the spreadsheet is to be emailed, the operator is prompted for the subject and address information as outlined in Email A File.


This option provides the ability to compress spreadsheets greater than 500 rows before emailing them on aix/hpux servers, as follows:

On Linux servers this will compress files via ZIP

On AIX servers this will compress files via GZIP

On all other servers, the environment variable must be defined in TSI_COMPRESSION_PROGRAM and set to "zip" or "gzip"

Check this box to automatically compress large spreadsheets that are being emailed.
 Uncheck this box if spreadsheets should not be compressed when emailed.

Note: This compress option is not supported on Windows systems.


To use this feature, emailing must be configured on the SMTP Configuration tab and Jasper reports must be enabled in the Customer Forms.

Jasper documents such as Statements, Invoices, Contracts, Quotes, Reservations, Work Orders, Estimates, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders can be emailed to designated Customer/Site or Vendor Contacts at the point of creation, or from a bulk print run request such as Statements, Cycle Billing or Daily Close invoice printing.
 In a bulk email run a separate email is generated for each document even if several documents are being sent to the same recipient, and a report is generated to track the recipients for each document.
 A Default Email Signature can be configured for emailing document attachments individually or in bulk.
 When emailing a single document at creation, the operator has the opportunity to edit the recipients and the body of the email in the Compose Email window, or to escape out of the Email screen to print the Jasper document to the screen.

All emails including automated emails are noted in the email log file that can be reviewed in View Email Log in a display only format.

Note: Batch emailing to Contacts is disabled in Play company environments.

Check this box to activate the single document and bulk document emailing feature that uses the Contact addresses defined in the Contact Information window to be the recipient of the document Email Types allowed for that Contact.

Uncheck this box if your firms does not want to activate this Contact document emailing feature.
 The option to email PDF documents can still be used as selected from the Printer Selection window but bulk document runs will all email to the one selected address and not be emailed to individual contacts.

Note: Cylinder Invoices, Time Charge Invoices, and Point of Sale Invoices using a Slip Printer, do not utilize this email option.
 When this Contact emailing option is activated, no notices are emailed to external transport contractors even though the Transport Supplier feature is activated in the Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters.


This parameter controls the formatting of the 'DEFAULT EMAIL SIGNATURE' panel sent by Compose Email.
 Select one of the following options:

Click "Text" to send emails with a text signature message as defined company wide in the 'Default Email Signature below.
 This message signature displays and prints at the bottom of the body of the document emails as it is setup in the 'Default Email Signature and additional notes can be additional notes can be added to the email body as required.

Click "HTML" to send emails with the links, images, and other HTML styling in the 'Default Email Signature body.
 Although the email signature message does not display in the email body in SRM before the email is sent, it is included in the body of the email but not in the same format and additional notes can be added.


Enter a default signature to be appended to any email with Jasper forms attachments.
 HTML formatted text can be included.

Note: It is important to include a note in the email signature that includes the word "unsubscribe" in order to minimize the risk that a legitimate bulk email run is thought to be a spam mailing because of the quantity and so may cause your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to block further mailings.

e.g. 'If you are not the correct recipient for this email, please contact The Rental Store to unsubscribe to future document mailings.'

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Configuration:

The tab includes the server setting parameters for emailing as follows:


This Default From Email Address is always used if no From address is specified by the initiating program, such as the Web Portal.
 This address is used for reports and mail sent by the system including Automated Reporting.
 Enter a general company address that can be monitored for failed emails and warnings.
 This is a mandatory field on all platforms.

Portal - 'From Address':
 An email notice is automatically generated to rental store staff when a document requesting a Quote or Reservation is created from a Check Out of a Shopping Cart on the Portal website.

The email to alert store staff of the request, is first sent to the staff address designated for that customer in the expanded record in Portal Customers.

If no staff email address is entered for the customer, then the email address for the division defined in Global Portal Settings is notified.

If no email address is setup for the division, then the general email address by Quote or Reservation from Global Portal Settings is notified.

If no general email address is setup to receive the Quote or Reservation, then this default company email address is notified.


Select one of the following email selections to apply to play data emailing to control whether "practice/play" emails actually get generated and sent out.

Select 'All Email' so that all generated email gets sent from the Play Data company, including print document range, statements, and check email contracts that use document emailing.
 This is a dangerous selection option if the play data is copied from the live data because real customer emailing could occur.

Select 'Single Docs/Texada Web' so that selecting "Email pdf" for the printer will email printed reports, and the Test email button EMAIL and EMAILIT functions, as well as the Texada Web generated email will be sent.
 Printing a range of documents to email via Contact Document emailing will not email and the 'Submitted jobs' will show in the Email Log as failed, disabled in play data.

Select 'Disable All Email' so that nothing will email from play data, and the Email Log will show the email failed as disabled in play data.

The only exception to this is the two-factor authentication email which will always send.

Note: When Emailing is disabled there is a warning when the operator logins in to the Play company, but there is no warning when an email is sent.
 The email may appear to be sent but it is not and checking the Email Log will show the fail to send error.


The "outgoing mail server" host name is required in order to email documents using the Email Customer Docs as PDF output option in the Printer Selection window.
 This is a mandatory field on all platforms.

 The various configurations can be saved and reinstated as required in this window.
 If the current configuration has been saved, it is identified in the list.
 The following backup management buttons are provided:

NEW BACKUP to capture, name and save a new backup.

RESTORE to re-instate a save configuration from history. Confirmation is required.

DELETE a saved configuration. Confirmation is required.

Note: The Backup/Restore will NOT save the authorization status of the email, but it will save everything else.


Enter the correct port if your mail server is not using the standard SMTP port (25).


Authentication options include:

Select No to always send document and report emailing from the operator's main email address as defined in the Operator Codes.
 The SMTP user and server fields below are not required and are disabled.

Select Yes if your SMTP server requires a username and password to send email and complete the following required SMTP user and server fields below.

Select GMail for Gmail OAuth support, which then displays the AUTHORIZE and DE-AUTHORIZE buttons beside this prompt.
 These buttons are disabled while focus is on the 'SMTP Username' input field, but after entering the 'SMTP Username' click on AUTHORIZE to open the Google security web page to authorize the Texada application to access GMail.

Select Office365 for Microsoft OAuth support, which then displays the AUTHORIZE and DE-AUTHORIZE buttons beside this prompt.
 These buttons are disabled while focus is on the 'SMTP Username' input field, but after entering the 'SMTP Username' click on AUTHORIZE to open the Microsoft security web page to authorize the Texada application to access Outlook.

Note: When 'GMail' or 'Office365' is selected the 'SMTP Password' and 'Contact Management Password' cannot be modified, and an API key needs to be setup in the Web Service API Keys table so the API service can locate the company when processing the authentication callback.
 The Authorize actions also require the API keys in Web Service API Keys.


The username is a mandatory field if Use SMTP Authentication is Yes or GMail.


The password is a mandatory field of up to 60 characters if Use SMTP Authentication is Yes or GMail.
 This value cannot be modified with SMTP if Use SMTP Authentication is Office365 or GMail


Check this box if your mail server requires the TLS protocol for connections.


Check this box if your mail server needs to support SSL connections.


Check this box if your email server allows you to send outgoing mail from a "shared inbox address" that uses a different From address without using a separate password.
 This allows document and report emailing to be sent From the Company or Branch or Department instead of the operator's personal address.
 When this feature is activated, a company/department/branch/etc outgoing email address can be setup as the 'From E-Mail Address' in the window on the E-Mail Address field for each user in the Operator Codes.
 If no 'From E-Mail Address' is setup then the user's main address is used.

Note: This feature is most commonly used with 'SMTP Authentication' but without SMTP Authentication it is your email provider's responsibility for ensuring the "Alternate Address From Support" works.


Customer follow up reminders can be emailed to the Salesman or to the Division contact or both, as determined in the Comments/Follow Up window in Customer Contact Information.
 This is triggered when CMFE02 is setup to run daily from Automatic Job Scheduling.

If no email address is setup for a salesman in Salesman Codes or for a division in Follow Up Auto Email, then this default company email address is notified.


If the mail server uses authentication and does not support alternate From addresses, then a password of up to 60 characters must be specified to use the Contact Management From Address as a from email address.
 This value cannot be modified with SMTP if Use SMTP Authentication is Office365 or GMail

Note: SCS staff can use the Web Service and Automated Reporting Debugging utility to further trace emailing issues.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Email Configuration screen include:

Test the Configuration Setup:
 Click the TEST button to prompt for a From address and then to test the current email configuration.
 The option is provided to generate a detailed debug log when the email is completed.
 The option is provided to send the email in html format setting a line break code <br> code at the end of each line of the test email text.

Note: To ensure the test email is able to be sent, in Open Client or Webb App sessions the Body of the email remains disabled until a valid email address is entered and accepted in the "To Address" field.

Topic Keyword: GLCN90O (4353)