Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

View Email Log

Reports Menu -> Security -> Email Log

This log file tracks all emails generated through the application, including Portal Confirmations, Automatic Reporting, Compose Email, File Attachments, Telematics, and Contact document emailing of invoices, statements, etc, when activated by the Use Contact Document Emailing flag in the Company Email Configuration.

Documents are logged individually when they are sent to specific contact email addresses, regardless of whether the email is generated individually or as part of a bulk mailing such as statements, print invoice, reprint invoice, daily close, cycle billing, etc.
 Documents with no addresses configured (i.e. when print to email for a batch of documents with no email configured) are noted as a single attachment in the log.

Note: SCS staff can use the Web Service and Automated Reporting Debugging utility to further trace emailing issues.

The prompts include:


Accept today's date or enter a preferred starting date for the email sent period.


Accept today's date or enter a preferred ending date for the email sent period.


Leave this field blank to list all emails in the selected range, or to narrow the search enter an email address or partial address to list any sending or any recipient emails that match these characters.
 e.g. "lsmith@tex" or "@rogers.com"

Note: This search is not case sensitive.


Select one of the following email selection options:

Click Success to only list emails that were sent successfully.

Click Failure to only list emails that failed to be sent from the server.

 A failed email will be provided with a reason explanation of up to 250 characters.
 Failures only include issues such as connecting to the email server, incorrect email setup, incorrect port with secure email.
 The system cannot determine if an email was "bounced back" as when there is a bad email address, but the 'Mailer Daemon' will return a Delivery failure to the From address.
 This means it is important that the 'From' email addresses used for automated emails is manually monitored, including the addresses setup in the Company Email Configuration for Default From Email Address and for Contact Mngmt. From Email Address, and also for automated Portal email addresses setup in Global Portal Settings.

Click Both to include all emails in the selected range.

Click Failed Invoices to list Invoice emails in the selected range that have failed to be sent.
 This option only outputs to the "View" option. This issue can be caused by a bulk run with improper settings,

Invoice Errors:
 If a bulk Invoice emailing run should fail this option can be used to identify the Invoices and resend them.
 The Invoices are listed by Date, Time, Session , Sequence number Sent To Address, and Invoice Number.
 The "View" output option provides a Resend column to check/uncheck invoices that should be emailed. Confirmation is required.

Note: Invoices with not "To Address" and invoices that have been deleted will not show in this list as they cannot be re-sent.


This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.

Select one of the following reporting options:

Select View to display the resulting email record selection up to 2000 rows in a paging screen.

In the resulting email list, the date/time sent, sent from name, the first recipient only address, subject, sent flag, attachment count, and relevant errors, are displayed.
 To view a specific email and attachments that were sent, either double click on the email record, or click once to focus on it and click SELECT.
 In the resulting Compose Email screen, additional recipient addresses can then be viewed in the window on the To field of the email and any attachments files can be listed by clicking on the ATTACHMENTS button.

Select Print to generate the output according to the reporting selection currently defined for this session in the Printer Selection window, accessible from the Printer -> Set Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Select Excel to export the output to an Excel spreadsheet.
 The ability to email the spreadsheet or display it on the screen is controlled by the Prompt to Email Spreadsheets flag set in Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
 Up to 10 attachments can be listed on the spreadsheet output.


Click ACCEPT to generate the output or CANCEL to abort.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the View Email Log screen include:

View the List of Emails Pending:
 Click the QUEUED JOBS button to view the failed emails and emails waiting to be sent in the Background Email Queue Items Pending screen.

Topic Keyword: EMAIL10 (4381)