Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Customer Pricing Management

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Rates/Costs/Prices -> Customer Pricing Management

This company-wide utility can be used to update Customer unique rental rates defined in the customer's Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing window including:

'Tier 1' Groups with Group Rates

'Tier 2' Special Rate Levels codes

This option is only available when the Enable Multi-Tier Pricing is activated in the Company Rate Parameters.

SELECTION actions:

Select one of the following actions to process a customer rate update:

Click Mapping to use the Quote Group Mapping table to define Groups that have the same rates and rate structures.
 This enables the "Quote Group" to represent the associated similar "Sys Groups" on customer Quotes Sheets including the Customer Rate Card.
 This mapping tool reduces the number of records that need to be managed on the rate update spreadsheets, because the Import action will automatically push the updated "Quote Group" information to all the associated "Sys Groups" setup for 'Tier 1' in the Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing window for the selected Customers.
 A Sort Key is provided in the mapping table that controls the order that the records are printed on the Customer Rate Card.

Click Export to use the Pricing Management Export tool to generate a spreadsheet listing:

oGroups and their rates defined for the customer in the 'Tier 1' window of the Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing

oSpecial Rate Levels assigned to the customer in the 'Tier 2' window of the Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing

Rate information can then be modified on the spreadsheet before saving the spreadsheet as a 'tab-delimited text file' and using the Import action to update the customer tiered rate information in the application.
 The Salesman code and name are included on the spreadsheet output for reference, but changes to Salesman are not re-imported to update the Customer Information.

Click Import to use the Pricing Management Import tool to pull in the selected customers' latest rate information to update the rental 'Tier 1' and 'Tier 2' rates in the Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing window.
 The import for 'Tier 1' information updates the rate amounts but does not change the rate structure.

If any errors are thrown from the data import, none of the pricing is updated.

Click Exit and the click OK to close the menu window.

Note: After the Special Rate Levels and the Group rates have been imported and the customers pricing updated, the information can be reviewed and modified in the Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing windows, however manual changes will be lost next time the Customer Pricing Management import is re-run.

The customized rate cards can then be printed for specific customers in Customer Rate Card.

Topic Keyword: ARPRC01 (4382)