Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Calculate Commission Information

Reports Menu -> Commissions -> Developmental Commission Report -> CAPTURE button -> Calculate Commission Information

This capture utility must be run to compile the invoice data before the Developmental Commission Report can be generated.
 This utility determines the date range for the report and then because the data is already captured, the Developmental Commission Report can be run and re-run quickly by salesman selection and report type, requiring minimal processing time and file locking.

The prompts include:


Accept the first day of the previous month or enter a preferred beginning date for the reporting period.


Accept the last day of the previous month or enter a preferred ending date for the reporting period.


Enter the number of unpaid days to be used to determine when unpaid invoices should be included in the Old Commission Report.
 For each invoice, the calculation adds the 'Invoice Date' plus this Days Unpaid value and if the resulting date falls within the From/To date range then that invoice appears in the Old report.


Click ACCEPT to initiate the capture action or CANCEL to abort.

The invoice data is compiled from the Invoice History files (IHIH, IHID, IHIS) and the Sales Margin from the summarized Sales History (INSH).

Topic Keyword: ARSM04 (4391)