Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Delete Unused Groups

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Restructure Class/Group -> GROUP CLEANUP button -> Copy Group Description to Non-Bulk Rentals -> Delete Unused Groups

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Restructure Class/Group -> Groups/Rates import -> Copy Group Description to Non-Bulk Rentals -> Delete Unused Groups

This utility can be used to deleted any Groups that are no longer in use and that have no products associated with them.
 When the 'cleanup' is triggered from the group spreadsheet import, it only shows "OLD" groups on the spreadsheet that are unused.
 When the 'cleanup' is triggered from the GROUP CLEANUP button on the Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag screen, following the Copy Group Description to Non-Bulk Rentals utility, all the unused groups in Groups are listed.

The Sales and Rental Groups are listed in Group number sequence, with the description and an 'In Use' flag and a 'Delete' check box.
 Columns are also provided to indicate if the Group is associated with a product, quote, reservation, P.O. or Tier 1 structure.

If the 'In Use' flag is Y, the Group can not be deleted and an information window is provided to view where this Group has been assigned, as further cleanup is required before it can be deleted.
 e.g. A Group has been assigned to a customer's Tier 1 rate struture but that Group has no products.

If the 'In Use' flag is N, the Group can be deleted as follows:


Check the box in the Delete column if the unused Group should be deleted from Groups and from the Reporting Sets.
 Leave the box unchecked if the Group should not be deleted.

Note: After accepting this selection this delete action cannot be "Undone".


Click OK when the selection is completed.
 Confirmation is required.
 A record is written to Delete Log to track each deleted Group, from function RSPF120. The operator code, the Group, and the date are tracked.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Delete Unused Groups include:

Check the Delete Box for all Groups:
 Click SET ALL to flag each Group in the list to be deleted.
 Specific Groups can then be unchecked as required.

Remove the Check from the Delete Box for all Groups:
 Click CLEAR ALL to remove the Delete flag for each Group.
 Specific Groups can then be re-checked as required.

Topic Keyword: RSPF120E (4402)