Reduce LTD Meter
Inventory Control Menu -> Rental Inventory -> Product Meter Information -> REDUCE LTD button -> Reduce LTD Meter
Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Update Meter Prompt/Meter Reading -> Product Meter Information -> REDUCE LTD button -> Reduce LTD Meter
This utility can be used to reduce the Life-To-Date meter count for a non-bulk metered rental product when it has been over-stated.
It is important to maintain an accurate LTD value as this is used to determine when maintenance is due by meter usage in the Maintenance Schedule.
The prompts include:
The current Life-To-Date total is displayed for reference.
This count includes the total units logged from all meters utilized on this product, including any rollovers and replacements.
Enter a positive number of units that should be subtracted from the Current LTD value to correct the LTD total count.
The new resulting Life-To-Date total is displayed.
Current LTD - Reduced By = Final LTD
Click OK to accept and exit.
An adjusting record is written to the Meter History updating the Meter Used column showing the reduced amount as a negative count as of the current system date.
Topic Keyword: MTR_LTD (4415)