Generate Group Rate Code Discount
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Rental Rates & Pricing -> Special Rate Codes -> Details window -> Group Rates Discounts window -> Disc % window -> BULK UPDATE -> Generate Group Rate Code Discount
This utility can be used to update the Discount Percent by Rate Code on selected Groups for this Special Rate Code Level, removing all discount percents for the selected Groups in the Rate Discounts for Groups window and re-adding the new specified discount percents.
The prompts are:
Check this box the cause the system to automatically created a list of all Groups that are flagged to Clone Group Rates in Groups.
This could include Sales Groups, if the clone flag is checked.
Individual Groups can then be removed from the list if they should not be updated.
Uncheck this box to manually select and build a list of the Groups to be updated.
If the option to manually build the Group list has been selected, a starting Group number can be entered to narrow the range, or can be selected from the Group Search window, or leave this field blank to still include all Groups.
If the option to manually build the Group list has been selected, an ending Group number can be entered to narrow the range, or leave this field blank to still include all Groups.
In the window, enter the Discount percent that should apply to each Rate Code for all of the selected Groups, as follows:
Rate Discount window:
Each Rate Code with the description defined in the Company Default Rates is displayed.
These 'descriptions' are from the company level and so may not accurately reflect the description given to the rate code on each specific group.
Enter the new discount percent for each relevant Rate Code in the Disc % column.
If the Disc % field is left blank, then no discount will be given to that Rate Code when the updated is completed.
The Discount rate is only copied to the Group, if the Group has that rate code in its rate structure.
When the discounts are all entered, click OK to accept and exit.
Group List:
The list of Groups is displayed as automatically or manually requested.
Groups can be added or deleted as required.
Only Groups that are flagged to allow Clone Group Rates in the Groups can be included in the list.
All Groups in the final list will be updated for this Special Rate Level.
Click ACCEPT to initiate the update or CANCEL to abort.
Note: If this action is accepted, all rate discounts for this Special Rate Code Level will be removed for all Groups in this list and only the Discount percents for the Rate Codes selected in the window, will be written back into the Group discount table.
Topic Keyword: RSSFP05 (5004)