Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Transport Supplier Information

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Division Parameters -> Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters -> Transport Supplier Information

The "Delivery/Pickup by Transport Supplier" processing can be useful when the pickup and delivery services are done by an external contractor.
 The Transport Supplier process uses the Delivery/Pickup Off-Rent Ticket Subsystem, so when the tickets are created from the Contract Summary and Totals screen, Create Delivery Ticket utility, and Create Pickup Ticket utility, the operator is also prompted for additional transport details to include in a notice that is emailed to alert the Transport Supplier.

Anywhere a Delivery or Pickup Ticket is created, the option is provided to flag that ticket for scheduling to an 'External Transport' service, so that these tickets are not reflected in the Texada Web "Delivery/Pickup Dispatch" queue, but they can still be returned through the Texada Web "In-Yard Return" process.
 For more information on Texada Web refer to Logistics.

All fields in this Transport Supplier Information window must be populated to activate the feature for this Division.

Note: If the option to Use Contact Document Emailing is activated in the Company Email Configuration no notice is sent to the Transport Supplier, however tickets will reflect the new 'To' and 'From' address information captured.

The additional transport information that is captured and forwarded to the supplier includes:

'Pickup From' and 'Deliver To' Address defaults
 When the tickets are created, a Contract Delivery & Pickup Information window opens to capture the additional 'Pickup From' and 'Deliver To' addresses, where the yard address defaults from the document Division primary address, and the customer address defaults from the Ship To or Site address on the Contract.
 Either address can be over-typed and the Division address changed by selecting another division, as required.
 Additional notes can be added separately for the Delivery and Pickup Tickets that can be flagged to print on the tickets and on the notice sent to the Transport Supplier.

Delivery Deadline Dates
 When creating a Delivery Ticket from the Contract Summary and Totals screen, or the Create Delivery Ticket utility, the operator is prompted for a delivery Deadline Date and Time in the Print and/or Email Delivery Ticket window.
 This date and time will be included on the notice sent to the Transport Supplier with the FORM format option.

Weight Capture
When a Delivery Ticket is created from the Contract Summary and Totals or Create Delivery Ticket, or a Pickup Ticket is created from Create Pickup Ticket, the weight of the shipment is calculated based on the weights in the product file.
 The operator can over-type the final weight in the Print and/or Email Delivery or Pickup Ticket window.
 The weight will be included on the notice sent to the Transport Supplier with the FORM format option.

Complete each of the following fields to activate the process:


Enter the Transport Supplier address that should receive an email when a Delivery or Pickup Ticket is generated.


Enter the return address for this division that should be used if the Transport Supplier responds to a Delivery or Pickup notice email.


Enter the subject line that should be used on the email that is sent to the Transport Supplier address when a Delivery or Pickup Ticket is generated.


Select one of the following format options:

The FORM format is not available as standard processing.
 Customized print delivery and pickup ticket forms are used that must be output to a printer or a document, rather than PDF.
 Contact Texada Services for information relating to this custom process.

The TXT format is the standard choice and behaves differently when the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.

oWith Contact Emailing, the delivery and pickup emailing sends the Jasper tickets to the email addresses designated in the Contact Information, or prints the tickets to the selected printer.
 The tickets reflect any changes made to addresses in the Contract Delivery & Pickup Information window.

oWhen Contact Emailing is NOT employed, a basic text notice is emailed to the Transport Supplier email address provided above for the division, that includes the Account, From/To address information, deadline date and time, shipment weight, and any notes that are flagged to print.
 Standard Delivery and Pickup Ticket Jasper or Plain paper documents will be generated with the following Transport Supplier modifications:

-The 'Deliver To' address specified will be used in place of the Ship/Site address.
 -The 'Pickup From' address specified will be used.
 -Any 'Pickup From' and 'Deliver To' notes are included in the standard comments.


Enter the account number to include on the notice email to the Transport Supplier.
 This account number does not print on the Jasper ticket documents.


Click OK to accept these values and to exit the window.
 If any fields are left blank, the Transport Supplier feature is not activated for this division.

Topic Keyword: RSDV90H1 (5010)