Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Update Status Code of Single Product

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Status Codes Menu -> Update Status Code of Single Product

This utility can be used to update the Product Status Codes for a specific rental product.

Note: Once a rental product number has been entered for a change in this utility, the Rental Inventory record is locked until the utility screen is accepted or cancelled.

The prompts are:


Enter the product number or select it from the Inventory Search window.


This window provides the history of changes to the Product Status for this product, as outlined in Status Code Change History.


The current status code for this product displays.


This is the flag associated with this Status Code that controls the ability to rent a product that has been assigned this status.
 This is information only.


This is the flag associated with this Status Code that controls the ability to depreciate a product that has been assigned this status.
 This is information only.


Enter the new product status code, or select one of the Product Status Codes Search window.
 Only codes having the same depreciation permission flag as the current code, are valid for this product as setup in Product Status Codes.


This is the flag associated with this Status Code that controls the ability to rent a product that has been assigned this status.
 This is information only.


This is the flag associated with this Status Code that controls the ability to depreciate a product that has been assigned this status.
 This is information only.


Click ACCEPT to accept the change, or CANCEL to abort.

Capture Clerk in Change Product Status Code:

The Clerk Confirmation window is triggered if the Prompt for Clerk feature has been activated in the Company Security Parameters and a Note field is provided to allow the operator to enter the reason for the change.
 The prompt to also require password verification can be activated by the Check Operator Password in the Company Security Parameters.

When the product Status Code is changed an audit record is written to track the change with the clerk code and any notes in Status Code Change History for RSAR12.

Topic Keyword: RSAR12 (5019)