Product Make & Model Utilities - Master List
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Make and Model List -> UTILITIES button -> Update Product Make & Model
This utility can be used to update the master list of valid 'Makes' and 'Models' for the rental products that are maintained in the Make and Model List.
Select one of the following actions:
•Populate Master List from Products:
Click Load From Products to copy the Makes and Models from rental products to the master table that can be accessed from Make and Model List.
Before populating the Make and Model lists, confirmation is required to deleted any existing records in the two master lists.
The option is also provided to build the new Make and Model master lists from only the non-bulk rental Makes and Models, or to include all Makes and Models assigned to bulk and non-bulk rental products in Make/Model and Re-Order Information windows.
•Create Master Worksheet:
Click Export option in the radio group to generate a spreadsheet with the Make and Model values currently in the master table.
Resulting Spreadsheet:
oThe resulting spreadsheet lists the Type and the Description of each record.
oDescriptions can be modified, and records can be added or deleted from the spreadsheet.
On import, only records from the saved spreadsheet will be left in the master lists.
oSave the completed spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file on your client machine.
•Move the Saved Text File to the Server:
Click Upload File to copy the tab-delimited text file from your client machine to the data directory on the server in preparation for importing.
The Select a File to Upload utility is used to search for the file and to rename it to "make_model.txt" before completing the upload.
File upload success is confirmed.
•Update the Master Lists with the new Values:
Click Import to clear the Make, Model values in the master tables and to repopulate the files with the new values.
Confirmation is required that any existing records in the two master lists will be cleared before the Make, and Model information is updated with the new values.
•Exit 'Product Make & Model Utilities' sub-menu:
Click Cancel when no further action is required.
Click OK to initiate the action selected in the radio group.
Topic Keyword: RSMM02 (5022)