Update Product Make & Model - Rental only
Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Update Make/Model Information -> UPDATE button -> Update Product Make & Model
This utility can be used to update the 'Make' and 'Model' for the rental products in a Class selection range using the following steps.
It does not apply to Sales products.
Select one of the following actions:
•Create Worksheet:
Click Export option in the radio group to generate a spreadsheet with the existing values for rental products in a Product Class selection.
The prompts are:
Enter the starting Class for the output range or selected it from the Product Class Search window.
Enter the ending Class for the output range or selected it from the window.
Check this box to only include non-bulk rental equipment to the spreadsheet.
Uncheck this box to include bulk and non-bulk rental products in the Class selection range.
Note: Sales products are not included.
Click ACCEPT to generate the spreadsheet or CANCEL to abort.
Resulting Spreadsheet:
oThe resulting spreadsheet lists the Class, Class Description, Product number, Product Description, for reference though these fields are not update by this process.
It also lists any existing values for Make, Model, and Date of Manufacture, that can be updated by this process.
oModify the spreadsheet with the correct Make, Model, and Date of Manufacture.
The date format must match the format defined for your company in Company Information.
i.e. North America = mm/dd/yyyy , European = dd/mm/yyyy
oSave the completed spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file on your client machine.
•Move the Saved Text File to the Server:
Click Upload File to copy the tab-delimited text file from your client machine to the data directory on the server in preparation for importing.
The Select a File to Upload utility is used to search for the file and to rename it to "prod_make_model.txt" before completing the upload.
File upload success is confirmed.
•Update the Products with the new Values:
Click Import to clear the Make, Model, and Date of Manufacture information for each product on the text file and to repopulate the fields with the new values.
After the import is initiated, a spreadsheet listing the records to be changed is generated for review purposes.
The Make and Model are validated against the master list defined in Product Make and Model List and any match errors including date errors are reported on a spreadsheet that can be corrected, re-saved, re-uploaded, and re-imported.
Proceed with Import?
Select one of the following options:
oClick Don't Import to abort.
oClick Import Exclude Errors to only import & update product records that have no errors. Records that do not match the master list will not be imported.
oClick Import Include Errors to import records with Make & Model even if they do not match the master list, but date format errors will still not be imported.
Note: A record lock could occur on RSPF if another operator is viewing one of the products in the import file.
The import will re-try until the locked product record is released.
•Exit 'Update Product Make & Model' sub-menu:
Click Cancel when no further action is required.
Click OK to initiate the action selected in the radio group.
Topic Keyword: RSMM06 (5023)