Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Server-Wide Messaging

Sign On Screen -> Main Menu -> SYSTEM-WIDE MESSAGES button -> Server-Wide Messaging

System-wide notification messages can be generated with or without an attachment to be displayed at operator login for all operators, Windows (MFC) sessions only, or Web (Open Client) sessions only, and the message can be flagged as optional or mandatory to view before a successful login.
 This can be useful in SaaS environments to alert operators about upcoming events, such as a server upgrade. It is a one time display up to the expiry date, and once viewed by an operator it is not re-displayed.
 An audit log tracks the operators who have accepted or declined each notification.

Setup and maintenance of the server-wide messages is restricted to only the SCS operator by clicking the SYSTEM-WIDE MESSAGES button on the Main Menu screen.

The information maintained in the Server-Wide Messaging includes:


The directory or folder setup on the server for messaging is displayed.
 This is the directory created to hold the messages and attachments, which must be readable and writeable from the application.

Note: When creating the directories on the server, the names are case-sensitive in Linux, but not in Windows, and the directory needs to be included in the environment variable.
 e.g. In Linux add “export SCSMSG_FILEDIR=/usr/local/tsi/messages” to /etc/scs_init.env
 In Windows add the line “SCSMSG_FILEDIR=c:\data\messages” to the [ENVIRONMENT] section of \windows\pro4v7.ini.

Messages can also be setup for a single directory so that only users who’s data directory starts with this path will be shown the message.
 e.g. On a Linux Saas server, specify /usr/local/tsi/cmp/003, so that the message is only triggered for company 003.

Message Table

Multiple notification messages can be defined in the following fields:


The Sequence number tracks the message records in the table.


This identification number is automatically assigned to the message when it is created and consists of the date and time of creation.


Enter a brief description to explain the purpose of this notification.


Select one of the following session types to receive this notification:

A - All Clients

O - Open Client or Web browser clients only

W- Windows or MFC clients only


The description corresponding to the Type assigned to the message is displayed.


Check this box if the notification must be read and accepted before the operator login is accepted.
 Uncheck this box if it is not mandatory to read and accept the notification in order to login.


Accept the default date or enter a preferred date for the notification expiry, after which the message will not be displayed.


A Message Details window is provided to view and enter the text of the message as follows:


Accept today's date or enter a preferred starting date to display the message.


Accept the expiry date displayed or enter a preferred expiry date.
 This will updated the Expires date in the primary table too.


Enter the message that is to be displayed.


Check this box if this is a server-wide message that should be issued to all companies.
 Uncheck this box if this message is specific to one company and enter the appropriate message directory for that company.


An optional attachment can be associated with the notification to be opened at login.
 To define the attachment, use the Select a File to Upload utilities.


Click OK when the message information is completed to accept and close the window.


A Notification Log window is provided to view the operator records that have accepted or declined this message as follows:


This is the data directory path that matches the message.


This is the name and sign in ID if the operator logging in.


The possible statuses include:

Accepted - when the operator viewed and accepted the message and any associated attachment.

Remind - when the operator opted for Not Now on the non-mandatory messaged so the message will be triggered again.

Declined - when the operator did not accept the message.

Note: This status is updated from 'Remind' or 'Declined' to 'Accepted' if the operator logs in again and accepts the notification.


The date of the latest login that caused the status to be updated for this operator is displayed.


The time of the latest login that updated the status for this operator is displayed.


This value reflects the number of times that the notification was generated for this operator and division.
 It does not represent the number of logins, as once the operator has accepted the message, it is no longer displayed.


The company name of the latest login that caused the status to be updated for this operator is displayed.
 This could be the primary live company or the play company, as the message is triggered in both environments but once it is accepted in one area it is no longer displayed in either.


The ProIV data directory of the latest login that updated the status for this operator is displayed.
 This could be the data directory for the live company or the play company.

Output to Spreadsheet

Click the EXCEL button to generate a spreadsheet of the Notification Log currently being displayed on the screen.


Click OK to close the window.


Click Accept to accept the notification records or Cancel to abort.

Topic Keyword: SCSMSG01 (5025)