Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

System Notification

Sign On Screen -> Logging on to Texada SRM -> System Notification

Server-wide notification messages can be generated to be displayed at operator login to alert operators about upcoming events, such as a server upgrade.
 The message is triggered from the System-Wide Messaging which is setup and maintained by the SCS operator with expiry dates.
 Attachments can be associated with a System Notification alert.

Once the message has been viewed and accepted by an operator, it is not re-displayed for that operator again in either the live or play company.
 The system message can be flagged as optional, or mandatory to view before login allowed, and can be set to display for all operators, Windows (MFC) sessions only, or Web (Open Client) sessions only.

The System Notification information includes:

Message Text

The message text as set in the System-Wide Messaging is displayed.


An optional attachment can be associated with the notification that must be opened before the notification can be accepted.
 Click the DOWNLOAD button to open the attachment.


The System Notification can be flagged as "Required" in the System-Wide Messaging setup.
 If the notification is required, it must be read and accepted before the operator can login.

Click one of the following actions to acknowledge the System Notification:

Click NOT NOW if the System Notification should not be read and accepted at this time.
 This will appear as Remind status in the audit log.

oIf the message is not flagged as required, the operator will be able proceed with sign in and the message will be triggered again the next time that operator logs in.

oWith a Required message, a confirmation window is triggered and the operator will be allowed to try again, but if the operator still does not accept the message then login will be aborted.

Click ACCEPT to confirm the message was read and to proceed with sign in.
 The message will not be triggered again for that operator in either the Play or Live companies.
 This will appear as Accepted in the audit log.

Note: If an attachment is associated with the message, the attachment must be downloaded before the message can be accepted.

Click CANCEL if the message is not being accepted.
 This will appear as Declined in the audit log.

oIf the message is not flagged as required, the operator can proceed with sign in anyway and the message will not be triggered again for that operator.

oWith a Required message, a window to verify is triggered and the operator will be allowed to try again, but if the operator still does not accept the message then login will be aborted.

An audit log of message activity is tracked for each operator in the Log window of System-Wide Messaging.

Topic Keyword: SCSMSG02 (5026)