Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Inventory Clean-Up

Utilities Menu -> Data Export/Import Utilities -> Inventory Clean-Up

This utility can be used to update product information for both sales and rental products in a Product, Class, or Group selection range, by exporting the existing values and re-importing the modified values.
 The action is similar to the Update Product Make & Model - Rental only utility, but Inventory Clean-Up updates more fields and can be used on sales or rentals.

The Inventory Clean-Up export/import data values are grouped as follows:

 This cleanup includes:

oGeneral product values information such as the Product # (cannot be changed), Product Description, Product Make, Product Model, Engine Make, Engine Serial # (Rental only), VIN # (Rental only), License Plate #1 with Expiry Date (Rental only), License Plate #2 with Expiry Date (Rental only), Date of Manufacture, Refurbished flag with Refurbished Date (Rental only), List, Alternate List, Replacement Cost (Rental only), Adjusted First Cost(Rental only), Kit #, up to 10 unique Barcodes (allow match same prod#), up to 10 Alt Description values, Rental/Sale flag (cannot be changed), Class (cannot be changed), Group (cannot be changed), the Alternate Language Description and the Inactive flag.

oAdditional Re-order values in and Make/Model and Re-Order Information (Rental Assets) and in Inventory Re-Order Information Sales Products) such as the Last P.O. Cost, Landed Cost Factor, Landed P.O. Cost (cannot be changed), Markup %, Re-Order Price, Re-Order LCF, Order Unit of Measure, Vendor #, Vendor Product#, Vendor Product Description, Weight, Average Cost (updated for SALES only), Sales Unit of Measure, Sales Conversion, Order Conversion, and measurements including Length, Width, Height, Cubes.

oAdditional values for non-bulk rentals include data captured in the Appraisal Values window, the Telematic ID and the 3 character Telematic Vendor code in the Rental Information.

oRental product data including two External Resource URL, Status Code, Internet Description , Website flag (both Rental & Sales), Stop P.O.s (both Rental & Sales), No Sale flag, Insured with Amount, Date In Service, Notes (both Rental & Sales), Bulk flag, Multiple Tag flag, and Financing information including and Terms Month, Terms Kilometres, Amount per Month, Lease Start Date, and Lease Vendor can be updated.

oMeter information including Meter flag (M, B, N or blank), Meter Digits, Current Meter Amount, Reason Code, Reduce LTD By (where only one of "Current Meter Amount" and "Reduce LTD By" can be entered) and LTD Meter (display only)

Note: On import the option to IGNORE BLANK VALUES is provided in Inventory Clean-Up Import so even if this parameter is set to Yes numeric fields can still be cleared by entering "0", "0.0", "0.00", "0.000", or "0.0000" as these values will be respected as non-blank values.
 Exceptions include meter digits, sale conversion and order conversion that do not allow zero anyhow.

 Multiple Safety Notes as setup in Product Safety Notes can be assigned to both rental and sales products.
 This cleanup spreadsheet includes the Product # (cannot be changed), and any associated Safety Not codes.

 Rental Product Fixed Asset Tag data can be generated including Product # (cannot be changed), Asset Tag # (cannot be changed), Division, Serial #, multiple Warranty Code with Expiry Date by sequence number, and the Depreciation Class assigned to the tag.
 Additional Product/Tag details can be added to the import data.

Note: Only existing Tags can be updated and Disposed Tags (with a Status of D) cannot be updated.

 Multiple File Attachments can be assigned to both rental and sales products.
 This cleanup spreadsheet includes the Product # (cannot be changed), and any associated URLs by sequence number with the given Description and the URL name.

Note: This import does not impact other types of attachments.

 Multiple Fuel Types can be assigned to both rental and sales products in the Product Fuel Types window.
 This cleanup spreadsheet includes the Product # (cannot be changed), and any associated Fuel Type codes with the Capacity for each product.

 Multiple Equipment Specifications and manually entered specifications can be assigned to both rental and sales products in the Product Equipment Specifications window.
 This cleanup spreadsheet includes the Product # (cannot be changed), and any associated Equipment Specification details for each product.

 Multiple Order Codes can be assigned to both rental and sales products in the Product/Group Order Codes window.
 This cleanup spreadsheet includes the Product # (cannot be changed), and any Order codes.

 Multiple Bin Locations can be assigned to both rental and sales products as shown in the Locations window.
 This cleanup spreadsheet includes the Product # (cannot be changed), Product Description (cannot be changed), Location (cannot be changed) and any Bin Location descriptions which can be updated.
 The Product must have that Location record in Locations even if it only has zero quantity to be updated.

Select one of the following actions:

Create Worksheet:
 Click the Export option in the preferred section to generate a spreadsheet with the existing values for the products as outlined above for Product, Safety Notes, Asset Tag, File Attachments, Fuel, Specifications, P.O. Codes, or Bin Locations.
 Proceed as outlined in Inventory Clean-Up Export.

Move the Saved Text File to the Server:
 Click Upload File to copy the tab-delimited text file created from the saved Inventory Clean-Up Export from your client machine to the data directory on the server in preparation for importing.
 The Select a File to Upload utility is used to search for the file and to rename it to "prod_XXXX.txt" before completing the upload.
 File upload success is confirmed.

Update the Products with the new Values:
 Click Import to update the Sales and Rental products with the new values as outlined in Inventory Clean-Up Import.
 Confirmation is required.

Exit 'Inventory Clean-Up' sub-menu:
 Click Cancel when no further action is required.


Click OK to execute the action selected in the radio group.

Topic Keyword: INCL01 (5040)