Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Inventory Clean-Up Import

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Inventory Clean-Up -> Inventory Clean-Up Import

After the product information has been updated in the worksheet generated from Inventory Clean-Up Export and the resulting saved tab-delimited text file as been moved to the server using the Select a File to Upload utility, the modified product information can be re-imported using this Inventory Clean-Up Import.

Depending on the type of data being updated, the import prompts differ.

Product and Asset Tag imports:
 The prompts triggered for the Product and Tag imports are:


This prompt only appears if the import sheet includes a date.

Accept the date format default as defined for your company in Company Information, or enter the preferred format.
 i.e. North America = mm/dd/yyyy , European = dd/mm/yyyy


Check this box if only the fields that have a value on the import file should be imported, without over-writing any existing data by the blank fields.
 This allows specific fields to be updated without having to enter values for all the other fields.
 If this parameter is checked, numeric fields can still be cleared by entering "0", "0.0", "0.00", "0.000", or "0.0000" as these values will be respected as non-blank values.
 Exceptions include meter digits, sale conversion and order conversion that do not allow zero anyhow.

Uncheck this box if blanks on the import file should actually blank out the existing value for that field.
 This means all existing values are cleared for the products and the new values will repopulate the fields.

Note: After the import a spreadsheet is generated showing the imported data and any errors.
 It is important to know that this spreadsheet is just showing the import values, and if "Ignore Blank Values" is checked the spreadsheet will display any blank fields submitted, not the existing product or tag values.

Proceed ?

Click ACCEPT to initiate the import, or CANCEL to abort.
 If the import was initiated, a spreadsheet listing the records to be changed is generated for review purposes.
 Confirmation to update the products is then required.

If the List Price is changed on the Product import, an audit record is written to the List Price and Base List Price Changes.

If the sales or rental product description is changed by the Product Import and this product is included in a Kit the description on the Kit is also updated but only if the original descriptions are an exact match.

If the sales or rental product alternate language description is changed by the Product Import and this product is included in a Kit the alternate language description on the Kit is also updated but only if the original alternate language descriptions are an exact match.

Products without errors will be updated.
 Products with errors will not be updated and will be listed on an error report.

Proceed with Import?
 Confirmation to import the data is required, and if there are errors the option is provided to proceed with the import for only the product records that have no errors.

Errors on Product Import:
 Some of the checks done on the imported data include:

The product number must be a valid number exported to the worksheet.

The date format must be respected on Plate 1 & 2 Expiry, on Date of Manufacture, In Service, Refurbish Date, and Lease.

Barcodes need to be unique and cannot match another barcode or another rental or sales product number, or another Barcode on the spreadsheet.

Kit number must be valid in the Product Kits table.

The mandatory fields for non-bulk rentals when the Mandatory Make/Model/Manf Date flag is set in the Company Inventory Parameters or if Rouse is utilized, include:

Date of Manufacture

The Make and Model are validated against the master list for non-bulk rentals if any records have been defined in the Product Make and Model List master table.

Certain fields on the spreadsheet only apply to Rental items, so if values are entered in these fields for a Sales item, they are ignored on import rather than throwing an error.

Only valid values are accepted for Kits, Vendor#, Leasing Vendor#, Status Code, and Meter Reason Code

Non-bulk rentals cannot have Multiple Tags set

Meter data checking includes:

- "Cannot Update Reduce Ltd By And Current Meter Amt At Same Time."
 - "Cannot Update Current Meter Without Meter Digits."
 - "Cannot Reduce Current Meter Without Reason Code."
 - "Cannot Reduce Current Meter With An Invalid Reason Code."
 - "Changing Out A Meter Cannot Be Done On Import At This Time."
 - "Cannot Update Current Meter Without Meter Digits."
 - "Error Calculating Meter Amt - Negative Numbers Not Allowed"
 - "Reason Code Not Required For Reducing Ltd Amt"
 - "Error Calculating Meter Used - Negative Numbers Not Allowed"

Data may be truncated if a value is entered that exceeds the field size.

Errors on Asset Tag Import:
 Some of the checks done on the imported data include:

Only existing Tags can be updated and new tags cannot be created for a product.

Asset Tag number is required

Date format must be respected for Warranty Expiry

Product #, Depreciation Class and Warranty Type code must be valid.

The Asset Tag number must be assigned the Product #.

The Division must be valid.

Safety Notes, File Attachments, Fuel, Specifications, and P.O. Code imports:
 The prompts triggered for the Safety Notes, Attachment, Fuel, Specifications, and P.O. Code imports are in a radio group format.
 Select one of the following:

Select 'Append, add to or modify product info'.
 This option does not remove existing records in the target table. Instead it adds additional records.

Note: The sequence numbers are not used with this type of import and the new records are just added to the end of the table.

Select 'Replace, removes existing product info'.
 This option deletes all existing records in the target table and writes in the new records only including new records with blank values.

Note: The sequence numbers are not used with this type of import as all existing records in the table are removed before the new records are added into the table in the sequence listed on the import sheet.

Select 'Cancel import process' to abort the import action.

Errors on Safety Notes:

The product number must be a valid number.

The Safety Note must be valid in Product Safety Notes.

Errors on File Attachment Import:

The product number must be a valid number.

Only URL file types are imported.

Errors on Fuel:

The product number must be a valid number.

The Fuel Type must be valid in Fuel Types.

Note: If a Fuel Type is entered twice for the same product in the import data, only the first Fuel Type record with Capacity is saved.

Errors on Specifications Import:

The product number must be a valid number.

Errors on P.O. Codes:

The product number must be a valid number.

The P.O. Code must be valid in Order Codes.

Errors on Inventory Locations:

The product must be a valid number.

The product must have a location record in the Locations table.

Bin Number is truncated at 10 characters.

Note: A record lock could occur on RSPF or one of the tables if another operator is viewing one of the product records in the import file.
 The import will re-try until the locked product record is released.

Topic Keyword: INCL03 (5042)