Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reminder to Contact Leasing Vendor

Counter Menu -> Miscellaneous Invoices -> Invoices Details -> Sale of Rental after Disposal Reason -> Reminder to Contact Leasing Vendor

Back Office Menu -> Allocate Bulk Disposals -> Accept Allocate Fixed Asset Tag -> Reminder to Contact Leasing Vendor

Counter Menu -> Rental Returns details -> Return field for M -> Sale of Rental after Disposal Reason -> Reminder to Contact Leasing Vendor

This warning is triggered if a bulk or non-bulk rental product that has been assigned a Leasing Vendor in the 'Lease Information' window of Rental Inventory, is being sold on an Invoice, or Rental Return, or when a Bulk Disposal is being processed.
 The 'Leasing Vendor' reminder information lists the Vendor number and name with the rental product number and name for follow-up.
 This warning does not stop the sale of the rental product.

Topic Keyword: RSPF121 (5043)