Delivery Charges For Outstanding Items
Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Pickup Console -> CREATE button -> Create Pickup Ticket -> Delivery Charges For Outstanding Items
This Delivery Charged for Outstanding Items window is only triggered when a new Pickup Ticket is being created in Create Pickup Ticket if the Show Delivery History option has been checked in the Pickup Parameters of the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.
It's purpose is to provide details on the original services that were required to deliver the products still out on this contract, to help determine the services that will be required for pickup of outstanding products.
Standard delivery services entered manually, as well as any services generated by Delivery Tickets can be viewed.
The table lists the Service Code billed for the Delivery with the service description, quantity, and extended dollar charge.
When applicable, the Delivery Ticket number is listed with the product number, product quantity, product and description.
Click the DETAILS to view the details on the Delivery Ticket, including the delivery dates, times and operator code.
Topic Keyword: RSFR31 (5045)