Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Import Special Rates

Utilities Menu -> Data Export/Import Utilities -> Import Special Rates

The standard data import utility can be used to allow special rate imports outside of the standard rates import functionality.

Note: The filename displayed does not apply to the export.
 It is for use when the file is imported.

The process sequence is:

Generate Layout for Existing Rate Code:
 First click the EXPORT button at the bottom and select the 'Special Rate Code' from the Special Rate Code Search window provided, to export a spreadsheet of the rates for that Special Rate Code.

The exported spreadsheet format respects the column mapping of the rate table values as defined by the column letters displayed on the Import Special Rates screen utility, including:

Rate Level Column
 Product/Group Column
 Rate Code Column
 Rental Rate Column
 Base Amount Column
 Meter Included Column
 Meter Rate Column

Update Rate Information in Preparation for Import:
 The spreadsheet can be modified to reflect the updated rate structure for this Special Rates.
 Additional rows can be added or deleted, but column information must be valid and consistent to the mapped column type.

Because Special Rate Codes always respect the Standard Rate table structure setup for the product/Group in order to maintain 'Rate Hours' which determine when each rate should apply, a new Rate Code cannot be assigned as a Special Rate to a product or group if it does not already exist in the standard rate structure of that product/group.

 If the item's standard rate structure does not include a W - Weekend Rate, then a Special Rate cannot be setup for that item for the W - Weekend Rate.

Save the Data on the Client updating the Format:
 When the spreadsheet is complete, save the updated spreadsheet on the Client machine in a tab-delimited format giving it a .txt extension.

Move the Txt file to the Server in Preparation for Import:
 Click the UPLOAD button to transfer the import .txt file from the Client to the Server using the Select a File to Upload utility.

Update Rate Information in the Special Rate table:
 Accept the system assigned path and txt file name that identifies the current unique pts session, and confirm or adjust the default column letters mapped on the Import Special Rates screen to match the columns on the import file from the source spreadsheet.


Uncheck this box to only add new product and group records with associated rate information from the import file without changing product or group existing special rate records.
 Any existing records on the import file will then be included in the error count as they will not be updated.

Check this box to replace the existing records that match a Rate Code record for products or groups on the import file, by the imported rate record.
 Any products and group rate code records that are not updated will not be removed from the Special Rate structure.


Click ACCEPT to initiate the import or CANCEL to abort.

 The Import action will first generate an edit report of all rates that will be added or changed, along with an error list in the Information Log format if there are any records that cannot be updated.

Confirmation is required to accept the rate changes.
 When accepted, another report of the data that was actually changed is generated and the error log for anything that could not be changed and was not updated is re-issued.

Topic Keyword: RSSF30 (5054)