Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Update Sales Product List Price

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Rates/Costs/Prices -> Update Sales Product List Price

This utility provides the ability to update the list price in Sales Inventory and is useful for quickly updating volatile pricing such as gas prices.
 Any 'Special Pricing' by List setup in Price Codes for that sales product can also be updated using a default of the same amount as determined by the Net Change value.

The prompts include:


Enter the sales part for the price change, or select it from the Inventory Search window.


The current list price defined in Sales Inventory is displayed.


Enter the new List Price to apply in Sales Inventory.
 If the feature to prompt for Reason Codes on Overrides is activated in the Company Security Parameters the reason for the price change is also tracked.

A window is provided to view previous changes to the List Price tracked in the List Price and Based List Price log.


The difference between the Old List and the New List is displayed.
 This becomes the default amount that will be applied to any List price changes in the Price Code table.

Special Pricing Details:
 Any special pricing by Price Code on the List Price on this sales product are displayed by Special Price Code regardless of the expiry date of that Price Code, with the description, quantity at which the price break takes effect, current price break list, and the new list which reflects the Net Change to be applied.

Note: This Special pricing update only applies to List pricing, so Special pricing by Markup and by Discount are not considered by this update.

The Update box can be checked or unchecked to control which Price Codes are updated.
 When the Update box is checked the New List reflects the ( Current List * Net Change) and can be over-typed as required.
 When the Update box is checked a window is provided to view previous changes to the special Price Code records in the List Price Changes audit log.

Note: If the Net Change recalculates the New List as equal to or less than zero for a special Price Code, the New List is changed to zero and the Update box is unchecked but can be re-checked if required.


Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort.
 Confirmation is required.

An audit record is written to the List Price and Base List Price to track the changes in pricing and price changes are also included in the Override Report.

Topic Keyword: RSPF122 (5090)