Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Repair and Failure Time by Status

Work Order Menu -> Reports -> Repair and Failure Time by Status

The Repair and Failure Time by Status Report can be used to report on 'Mean Time to Repair' and 'Mean Time Between Failures' for bulk and non-bulk rental equipment, by tracking changes in the selected Repair Status Code as it is assigned to the equipment during and after the repair.
 The spreadsheet can be output in summary or in detail and uses the selected Product Status Code for the Repair and Failure time calculations as follows:

'Time to Repair' (TTR) tracks how long the piece of equipment stays on this Repair Status Code in days, to determine the days to complete the repair.

'Mean Time to Repair' (MTTR) is the average of the TTR.

'Time Between Failures' (TBF) tracks the elapsed time in days between day when the equipment changed from the selected Repair Status Code to any other 'Status Code', and the day when it was changed back to that same selected Repair Status Code.

'Mean Time Between Failures' (MTBF) is the average of the TBF.

The selection filters for the spreadsheet include:


Accept the default start date, or type in a preferred starting date.


Accept today's date, or type in a preferred ending date.


Leave this field blank for no filters or to skip the Set selection field, in order to use one of the Product, Product Class, Group selection options instead.

To utilize the Set selection option choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Sets as setup in Reporting Sets in the report.

Enter a single specific Set code for the report, or select one from the Reporting Set Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of Sets or to select Sets by Owner to include in the report, as outlined in Select Reporting Sets.

If a set selection was made, the Product, Product Class, and Group selection options are skipped.


Leave this field blank for no filters or to skip the Product selection field, in order to use one of the Product Class, or Group selection options instead.

To utilize the Product selection option, choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all products in the report.

To generate the report for a single product, enter the product number or select it from the Inventory Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of products to include in the report as outlined in Select Products.

If a product selection was made, the Product Class, and Group selection options are skipped.


Leave this field blank for no filters or to skip the Product Class selection field, in order to use the Group selection option instead.

To utilize the Product Class selection option, choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all classes in the report.

To generate the report for a single Product Class, enter the class or select it from the Product Class Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of Product Classes to include in the report as outlined in Select Product Classes.

If a class selection was made, the Group selection option is skipped.


Leave this field blank for no filters or to utilize the Product Group selection option, choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all groups in the report.

To generate the report for a single Product Group, enter the group or select it from the Group Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of Product Groups to include in the report, as outlined in Select Groups.


Select one of the following report format options:

Select Detail to list the products serviced by product number with product description, Group number and description, Class number and description, date of the change in Repair Status Code, operator code, division, function used to change the Repair Status Code, time to repair in days (TTR), time between failures in days (TBF), the previous and updated 'Status Codes'.
 The functions which could have update the 'Status Code' include:

BKTX01 - Background Transactions (multiple sources)
 INDH04C - Internal Transfers
 RSAR12 - Update Status Code Of Single Product
 RSCD04G - Rental Return
 RSPF01 - Sales Inventory
 RSPF02 - Rental Inventory
 RSPF46 - Clone Rental And Sale Products
 RSPF75 - Update Product Status Codes
 RSTXD03 - All-In-One Screen
 WOWH01N - Enter Work Orders
 WOWL02 - Fast Track Work Order Labor

Select Summary to summarize each product in one line within Product Class and Group, with the average time to repair in days (MTTR), and the average time between failures in days (MTBF) for that product.
 Averages for MTTR and MTBF are provided by Group.


Enter a Product Status Code on which to base the TTR and TBF analysis, or select it from the Product Status Codes Search window.

Note: Reserved Status Codes cannot be used.


This option is not available for the Summary output.

Check this box to list all 'Status Code' changes for all products in the range, although the TTR and TBF will only be calculated on the Repair Status Code selected for this report.
 Uncheck this box to only list changes to the selected Repair Status Code for the products in the range.


Check this box to only list non-bulk rental products in the selection range.
 Uncheck this box to include bulk and non-bulk rental products in the range.


Click the ACCEPT button to export the spreadsheet, or CANCEL to abort.

Topic Keyword: ICSC02 (5092)