Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Driver Routes

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> General Settings -> Driver Routes

Driver runs can be maintained in the Driver Route table in the "General Settings" on the Operations tab of the Configure System Settings.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Driver Routes in order to access this table.

Enter the route codes and names to be assigned to the Delivery and Pickup Tickets in the Driver Information window on the ticket drill down from the Delivery / Pickup Dispatch.
 The route prints on the spreadsheet output that can be generated from the REPORT button on the bottom of the Delivery / Pickup Dispatch screen, and is exported to the XML for Pickup and Delivery tickets so that the information can be printed on customized Jasper tickets if required.

Topic Keyword: RSDL01 (5100)