Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Select Reverse Return Method

Counter Menu -> Rental Return -> REVERSE button -> Select Reverse Method

Most mistakes such as billing the wrong amount on a Rental Return can be easily corrected by adjusting the amount charged on the detail lines in Miscellaneous Invoices before the rental return invoice is posted, or by creating an adjusting invoice charge if posting has already been done.

Note: To ensure audit control, Rental Returned product detail lines cannot be deleted from the resulting Miscellaneous Invoices.

The purpose of Reverse A Rental Return is to put items back out on rent, usually because they were returned by accident.
 These reverse programs should NOT be used for any other reason and should be assigned a HIGH LEVEL of Security, so that Counter staff without proper training do NOT use them improperly.

The following approaches for reversing a Rental Return are provided:

Reverse By Contract option:
 This option does not require the whole document to be reversed.
 Specific individual product billings returned on a contract can be reversed using the Reverse Rental Return by Contract utility. This is useful to set those products up on the contract re-instating then for re-billing correctly.
 This option updates the Contract details but does not update any Invoice billed details.
 This option can be utilized even if the invoice created by the return has been posted as it does not change the invoice.
 The reverse action does not automatically delete the invoice as not all products were necessarily reversed, and so manual follow-up adjustments are still required to correct the invoiced billings.

This utility is only available to an operator if the role assigned in Operators has permission to Reverse Rental Return By Contract as defined in the "Deletions" window of Security Role Permissions.

Reverse By Invoice options:
 Using this approach all the product details on the Invoice created from a Rental Return are reversed and re-instated on the Contract, as outlined in Reverse Rental Return by Invoice and the incorrect invoice is handled in one of the following actions:

oCredit the Invoice:
 This action automatically creates a Credit invoice to reverse the postings but does NOT delete the original invoice, nor does it re-instate any deposit used as the original invoice was not deleted.
 This option can be applied to Rental Return invoices that are unposted or are posted.

This utility is only available to an operator if the role assigned in Operators has permission to "Reverse & Credit a Rental Return by Invoice" as defined in the "Delete" window of Security Role Permissions.

oDelete the Old Invoice:
 This action automatically Deletes the incorrect unposted invoice when the reversal on the Contract is completed and writes an audit record to the Delete Log for RSCH95A.
 This reverse action can only be applied to Current Invoices.

This utility is only available to an operator if the role assigned in Operators has permission to "Reverse & Delete a Rental Return by Invoice" as defined in the "Delete" window of Security Role Permissions.

Note: When the operator has permission to use only one of the reverse by Contract or by Invoice options then the Select Reverse Method pop-up is skipped and clicking the REVERSE button on the Rental Return screen opens the only accessible reverse method for that operator.

Reverse a Rental Return with Service Charges:

Services may be reversed when a Credit Invoice is generated but they are not re-instate on the Contract so they will not be re-billed on a follow-up Rental Return.

If Service charges require re-billing on the Rental Return, they must be re-added to the source Contract before the Contract is re-Returned.

Reverse a Rental Return with Transfer of Non-Bulk:

A rental return for a non-bulk item can be reversed if:

no transfer was created on return

transfer was created on return, and asset qty is at the return location - this will generate a transfer as it does now

transfer was created on return, and asset qty is at the out location, this will reverse and not generate a transfer

If a transfer was created on return and the asset qty is not at either the out or return location, the line item cannot be reversed, and a warning will be given.
 If 'Reversing by Contract' - the other items can be reversed.
 If 'Reversing by Invoice' - the invoice cannot be reversed.

Automatic Actions when a Return is Reversed:

oAll methods will put the rental items back Out on rent, and the billing amount totals and 'bill through dates' will be reset on the Contract.

oAll methods will put a sales item back Out on the Contract and the quantity will be put back into inventory when the Invoice is automatically or manually deleted.

oThe Reverse Rental Return by Invoice -DELETE method, deletes the Current invoice and writes an audit record to the Delete Log for RSCH95A, but this reversing utility can only be applied to unposted invoices.

oUsing Reverse Rental Return by Invoice - DELETE method, any deposit used when the Contract was closed, is re-instated on the Contract when the Invoice is deleted.
 The deposit amount then displays again in the totals screen of the contract as 'Accumulated Deposits'.

oThe Reverse Rental Return by Invoice - CREDIT utility can be applied to a Rental Return Invoice in Current, Batch or History, and creates a Credit Invoice to reverse the transactions, but does NOT delete the original invoice generated from the return, nor does it re-instate any deposit used.

oThe Reverse Rental Return by Contract program does NOT delete the invoice generated from the return.
 If the invoice can be corrected, it should be done using Miscellaneous Invoices.
 If the invoice is a complete mistake, it must be deleted using Delete A Single Invoice. to the Customer's Account, to the General Ledger and to the Monthly Product History.

oThe Reverse Rental Return by Contract can be done AFTER the invoice has been posted with the Daily Close programs, however, this corrects only the contract as the invoice is already posted.
 To fix the invoice, issue a credit invoice in Miscellaneous Invoices, and post this using the Daily Close programs.

oAny Primary sales part that was converted to a Secondary sales part in the rental return, is transferred back to the Primary part #, and put back Out on the Contract.
 Inventory transfer records are generated to reverse the conversion.

oCorrections to the invoice must be done before Daily Close 1, Daily Close 2, Daily Close 3 are run, otherwise the invoice made from the accidental rental return will already be posted

oAccumulate meter units are re-instated when the Contract return is reversed.
 The window on the amount to credit will re-calculate, and the last meter amount billed is reduced if the Contract is reversed.

Note: There is no check to prevent reversing a rental return on a rental product that has since be sold or disposed.

Topic Keyword: RSCH95A (5103)