Reverse Rental Return by Invoice
Counter Menu -> Rental Return -> REVERSE button -> Select Reverse Method -> Reverse Rental Return by Invoice
An incorrect Rental Return can be reversed by Invoice or by Contract as explained in the Select Reverse Method along with the information on advantages and differences in these reverse options.
Using this Reverse Rental Return by Invoice option, all product billings from the invoice are reversed on the source contract, except negative quantity transactions.
FIFO Returns cannot be reversed as there are multiple source contracts.
Based on the operator's Security Role Permissions reversing the Rental Return Invoice can handle the incorrect invoice transactions in one of two actions, either by Deleting the incorrect invoice if it has not been posted, or by creating a Credit Invoice to "undo" the billings.
•Credit the Invoice:
When the Contract details are reset, a credit invoice is created to reverse the associated invoiced products and eligible service transactions.
Any deposit amount used on the original invoice is not re-instated on the contract as the original invoice is not deleted.
The original Contract number becomes the 'Ref Contract#' on the resulting credit invoice.
The rental return invoice can be unposted or posted.
This utility is only available to an operator if the role assigned in Operators has permission to "Reverse & Credit a Rental Return by Invoice" as defined in the "Delete" window of Security Role Permissions.
•Delete the Old Invoice:
This action automatically Deletes the incorrect Current invoice when the reversal on the Contract is completed. It resets any deposit used as the invoice is deleted and writes an audit record to the Delete Log for RSCH95A.
This reverse action can only be applied to Current Invoices.
This utility is only available to an operator if the role assigned in Operators has permission to "Reverse & Delete a Rental Return by Invoice" as defined in the "Delete" window of Security Role Permissions.
Remove Bad Risk Entry:
If the cash customer on this invoice has any records logged on the Bad Risk Customers file because of a "Cash Short" transaction and this customer has no remaining posted invoices on account, deleting the invoice triggers the option to also remove the 'Bad Risk' transaction entries.
Deleting the Bad Risk record also resets the customer's “Statement Output” flag to “No” and clears the “Date Of Next Call” that was generated from a Cash Short transaction.
Click YES to deleted the 'Bad Risk' transaction specified in the pop-up window, or NO to leave that record for the customer on the Bad Risk Customers file.
Note: If the operator has role permission to both Delete & Credit the Rental Return Invoice on reversal, a selection pop-up will be triggered when the reverse action is executed to select the preferred action for this reversal.
Both reverse actions require that the Invoice:
•is the result of a Rental Return
•has not already been reversed
•has not been merged with any other Contract billing
•is not a FIFO return across contracts
•does not have payments against it
•is not included in the current Daily Close
•does not have a Field Ticket number assigned
•is assigned the division of the operator currently signed in, unless the operator has role permission to Reverse a Rental Return by Invoice From Other Div as defined in the "Deletions" window of Security Role Permissions.
Automatic Actions when a Return is Reversed:
The Reverse By Invoice utility completes the following automatic actions:
•The rental item will be put back Out on rent, and the billing amount total and 'bill through date' will be reset on the Contract.
•A sales item will be put back Out on the Contract and the quantity will be put back into inventory by the Credit Invoice.
•Any Primary sales part that was converted to a Secondary sales part in the rental return, is transferred back to the Primary part #, and put back Out on the Contract.
Inventory transfer records are generated to reverse the conversion.
•This Reverse & Credit option can be applied to Current, Batch or History invoices and will create a Credit Invoice to reverse the invoice transactions and will not delete the original incorrect invoice.
•This Reverse & Delete option can only be applied to Current invoices and will Delete the original incorrect invoice without generating any credit invoice, and an audit record will be written to the Delete Log for RSCH95A.
Any additional changes of product or service charges that may have been made to the invoice in Miscellaneous Invoices will be deleted with the invoice and never posted.
•Services with a negative amount from the return are not reversed as this would make a positive charge and automatic group/class services. are not credited.
•Products with a negative quantity from the return are not reversed.
•The Reverse & Delete option will re-instate the Deposit on the Contract when the invoice is deleted, but the Reverse & Credit option does not change any deposit used as the original invoice still exists.
•Accumulate meter units are re-instated when the Contract return is reversed.
The window on the amount to credit will re-calculate, and the last meter amount billed is reduced if the Contract is reversed.
•If the "Allow Overrides On Location Quantities (Excl. Reservations)" is Yes, then the reverse will be processed even if a non-bulk rental product was returned to a different Location causing an Inventory Transfer to be created.
The Inventory Transfer transaction is not deleted.
Note: If a change to the Product Status of one of the items on the reversed return is required, the status change needs to be corrected manually.
There is no check to prevent reversing a rental return on a rental product that has since be sold or disposed.
To Reverse the Contract Billing:
Select the Invoice number to be reversed, and the Contract and Closed status are displayed.
The fields for each Invoice product detail are displayed including product number, quantity, dates and times, price, location and accumulated invoice amounts.
All product details on the invoice are flagged to be reversed and this information is for reference only and cannot be changed.
Click ACCEPT to proceed with the reversal or CANCEL to abort.
If the Invoice was not current then it will always use the Credit action to reverse the postings and never the Delete action.
Confirmation is required.
If the contract had been closed, it reverts to open and the billed transactions from the invoice are "undone" on the contract.
Resulting Credit Invoice Details
If a credit invoice is being generated the details are displayed in the Invoice Details and Invoice Totals and Services screens.
The date given to the credit invoice defaults from the original invoice but respects Date Range Control for RSIH so if date would be before the allowed date range it automatically uses the RSIH "From" date and if the date would be after the allowed date range it uses RSIH "To" date.
The contract number will become the Ref Contract# on the new credit invoice so that it will be linked to the billings inquiry for the contract.
This Reference Contract# does not print on the invoice but it is used and displayed in the following areas:
Miscellaneous Invoices
Update Invoice Information
Document Inquiry
Billings Inquiry
Topic Keyword: RSCH95 (5800)