Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Menu Role Assignment

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security Tab -> General Settings -> Security Roles -> MENU button -> Menu Role Assignment

The Menu Role Assignment utility can be used to view and update Security roles assigned to menu options in the entire or partial Menu Tree.
 This menu/role utility can also be useful to identify standard menu tree options that have not been assigned any role and then provides the option to assign relevant roles.

This utility is only enabled if the role assigned to the operator also has access to the Application Menu utility, per the System - Application Menu flag in Security Role Permissions, and cannot be executed at the same time as the Application Menu utility as they both impact the same files.

The prompts include:


Accept the main menu defined as the Company Menu in Application Menu / Properties such as TEX:0001 or select a preferred menu, custom menu, or sub-menu from the drop-down box, as setup in the Application Menu.
 Only menu options accessed in the tree from this selected menu or submenu will be included in the resulting list.


Filter the options that are listed by one of the following:

Click Unassigned to only return menu options that have no roles currently assigned to them, and so are not available to any operators in the system.

Click All to return all menu options with or without roles, that are setup from the selected Menu and the submenus within it.


This filter only applies when the Menu Options filter is set to All and provides the ability to list the menu options with all roles that can access them, or to focus on a single role to view and update.
 Leave this field blank to list the menu options with all associated roles, or select a role from the drop-down box to list the menu tree options but only display availability for this specific Role.

Resulting Menu Security Header:
 The header information displays the selected starting Menu in the tree with description, and whether only Unassigned menus or All are being listed.
 If All menu options are listed, the following additional filters can be used:


This field is only available if a specific Role has been selected to view permissions.

Check this box to only list menu options that have been assigned this role.
 Uncheck this box to list all menu options in the selected tree whether they are assigned this role or not.


Enter any series of characters to return only menu options that include that character set somewhere in the menu title.
 This search is not case sensitive and if a submenu title matches the search string, then all options under that submenu are also returned.

Resulting Menu Security Listing:
 The resulting paging screen lists the menu options as laid out in the corresponding menu tree.

When menus are being displayed for all Roles a Role Assigned column is generated with a count of the number of roles that have accessed to that menu option and a window is provided to Assign Security Roles to view and adjust the roles.

When menus are being displayed for a single Role the role column is labelled Available and a check mark in that field indicated this role has access to that menu option.
 Use the Available Only filter in the header to toggle between all options or just those available to this role.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Menu Role Assignment screen include:

List Menu Options with Role Access:
 Click the EXCEL button to generate a spreadsheet respecting the current filters, that lists the menu options with the role assignment.

Topic Keyword: MENU12 (5802)