Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reset Portal Confirmation In Use Flag

Counter Menu -> Portal Confirmation -> RESET IN USE button -> Reset Portal Confirmation In Use Flag

The RESET IN USE button that can be used to release a locked Portal Confirmation, is restricted to Operators with role permission to reset Portal Confirmation - In Use as setup in the "Reset Flags" window of Security Role Permissions.

When a Portal Confirmation is created or accessed by the Portal Confirmation utility, or by the Portal API, the 'In Use' flag is set to prevent other sessions from updating that document record at the same time.
 If an operator aborts out or exits incorrectly, this utility can be used to view the In Use By information and to clear the 'In Use' locking flag on the Worksheet.

Topic Keyword: TXW060 (5815)