Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Check Tax and Posting Reference Sequences

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System Tab -> Texada Settings -> Check Sequences

This Check Tax and Posting Reference Sequences utility is only accessible to the SCS operator and can be used to check and correct the sequences for tax transactions, and for GLGL posting references used in Inquiry By Transaction#.

A warning is triggered on entering the screen to alert the operator that this check will use up a sequence number.
 This will not cause application issues, it is just meant to explain that checking multiple times will increase the sequences each time.

The screen displays information about the session, the current GLGL posting reference and tax transaction numbers, and the last sequence values.
 If the sequence is lower than the posting reference or transaction value the corresponding FIX POST REF button and FIX TAX TRX button beside the sequences is enabled.
 Clicking the "FIX" button will prompt to repair, and will then increment that sequence until it is correct.
 The "last" value on screen will be updated as it increments to track its progress.

Topic Keyword: GLCN97 (5816)