Export Customer Balances
Utilities Menu -> XML Data Exports -> Export Customer Balances
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Automatic Job Scheduling -> Function XMLEXPAA -> runs Export Customer Balances
This utility can be used to generate an XML export data file for a range of customers, outputting the customer balances directly to an XML file, including the values for customer number, the balance on a trx, and the associated document number.
The export also includes payment records with a non-zero balance, and the document type.
A record is written for Customer Balance exports to the View Application Log.
The XML export file is saved in the folder on the fileserver that is defined in the Company Daily Close Parameters.
The feature to automatically capture and export all customer balances to an XML text file can be setup using Automatic Job Scheduling for job XMLEXPAA.
This export process is NOT triggered by any Daily Close posting process.
The prompts in this export utility are:
Leave this field blank to include all customers with an outstanding balance On Account, or enter a starting number to narrow the range, or select a starting customer in the Customer Search window.
Leave this field blank to include all customers with an outstanding balance On Account, or enter an ending customers number for the range, or select an ending customer in the window.
Click ACCEPT to export the data in the range directly to an XML file in the XML Data Exports directory defined in the Company Daily Close Parameters.
The name of the resulting XML file is prefaced with the company code and then BAL followed by the date and time.
Click CANCEL to abort the export action.
Topic Keyword: XMLEXPA (5820)