Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reward Dollar History

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Information -> Reward Dollars window -> Reward Dollar History

Accounts Receivable Menu -> View Customer Information -> Customer Information view only -> Reward Dollars window -> Reward Dollar History

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Reward Program Maintenance -> Reward Dollar Adjustment -> Reward Dollars window or DETAILS button -> Reward Dollar History

When the Rewards Program processing is activated in Custom Processing, customers assigned a Rewards Code in the Customer Codes window, accumulate Reward Dollars each time an invoice is created, based on the rates and transaction types setup in the Rewards Program assigned to that customer at the time the invoice total is calculated, and a detail record is written to the Reward Dollar History as displayed in this window.

When the customer has a Parent/Child relationship, any Reward Dollars are reflected in both Parent and Child customer records, although only the Parent can used the Reward Dollars on payments.

The information for the customer lists:


The customer number and name (Parent # and Name) display.


The current Rewards Program assigned in the Customer Codes window, displays.


This is the date that a Reward Program was first assigned to the customer in the Customer Codes window.


Click the Notes icon beside the 'Member Since' field to view the changes in the Reward Program code history by date, Reward code, plan description, division and operator.


This is the Reward Expiry period defined for the assigned Rewards Program.

Dollar Totals for this Customer include:

The current Reward Dollars Available to be applied against the A/R account, the Reward Dollars Pending for posted invoices, the Unposted Pending for unposted invoices, the LTD Dollars Used that have already been applied against the customer's account, the LTD Dollars Earned, and the number of unposted invoices that could earn pending dollars, are displayed.
 LTD values do not include expired or lost dollars.

Transaction Details for this Customer include:

The current detailed information for this customer's Rewards Dollars is initially listed in date order.
 The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading, or clicking the RESORT button to restore the original sort sequence.
 Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them in the table as required.

Values in the table include:


The invoice date is displayed.
 This is the date on which the time due for payment is based in order for these Pending dollars to become Useable Rewards Dollars.


The document status is displayed.


The document number is displayed.


This value represents the Reward Dollars earned on this document (posted or unposted) that does not yet qualify as Usable as this invoice has not been paid.
 When an unposted invoice is entered or is changed the Pending value for the document is updated as of the time the invoice is totalled.


This value is a running balance that represents the sum of the Reward Dollars earned on posted invoices including this transaction, but that does not yet qualify as Usable as the source invoice has not been paid.
 Pending amounts on unposted invoices are not included in this running balance nor are they included on Reward Statements.


This value represents the Reward Dollars earned on this document that can be applied against outstanding balances On Account.


This value is a running balance that represents the sum of the Reward Dollars that can be applied against outstanding balances On Account, including this transaction.


The expiry date of the Reward Dollars on this transaction is displayed when relevant.


This field provides information about the transaction and is used to record the posting status, and reasons for a payment expiring, or when an invoice is paid in full making the balance useable.


The Parent or Child customer number from the invoice is displayed.


The Parent or Child customer name from the invoice is displayed.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Reward Dollar History screen include:

Return Table to Original Sequence:
 Click the RESORT button to return the display to the original data sequence, if the records in the table have been resorted or the columns have been reordered.

Generate a Reward Dollar Statement:
 Click the STATEMENT button to generate a Jasper or plain paper Reward Dollar Statement filtered by a date range selection, with or without printing the Company Name and address, and with the option to email it to designated Contacts if the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
 Statements can also be generated from the Reward Dollar Statements utility.
 Unposted Pending Reward Dollars are not included on the statement.
 A Reward Dollar Statement cannot be generated for a 'Child' customer.

Note: Reward Statements for Alternate Language customers are only available in the alternate language on Jasper forms.

Export the Reward Dollar Transactions to a Spreadsheet
 Click the EXCEL button to output all the records in the table including unposted Pending, to a spreadsheet.

Topic Keyword: ARRD02 (5830)