Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reward Dollar Adjustment

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Reward Dollar Menu -> Reward Dollar Adjustment

This utility can be run to make adjustments to the Usable Reward Dollars earned by a specific 'On Account' customer.
 The corresponding posting transactions to Debit the Reward Expense account and Credit Reward Revenue Deferred Revenueas setup in the Default Accounts are created that will post on the Rental Journal Transaction Report with the next Daily Close 3.
 This option is not accessible or visible on the menu when the Reward Program feature is not activated.

The prompts include:


Enter the customer number of the 'On Account' customer that requires an adjustment to Usable or Pending Reward Dollars, or select it from the Customer Search.
 Only customers that have been assigned a 'Reward Program code in the Customer Codes window of Customer Information can be entered.

If a 'Child' customer is entered, a warning is generated the reverts to the 'Parent' customer number when acknowledged.


The customer name is displayed for reference.


The optional alternate customer number is displayed for reference if it has been assigned.


The Account balance is maintained automatically when payments are entered and when invoices are posted to the customer's account.
 The balance is display only, and includes all currencies and any outstanding child invoice amounts. No conversion is applied.

This running balance total does not necessarily reflect the customer's current account balance if future dated invoices or checks have been posted.


This prompt only appears if the processing to Include Current Invoices in Customer Account is activated in the Company Security Parameters.
 Unposted invoices will then also be included in inquiries and listings.

The total of the unposted invoices that are to be charged on the customer's account including any unposted child invoices displays.
 A window is provided to view the specifics of the invoices as outlined in View Customer's Un-Posted Invoices.


The sales LTD (Lifetime to Date) totals will be maintained automatically by the software.
 All currencies are included. No conversion is applied.
 Window to view the Monthly or Annual sales totals for this customer, as outlined in LTD Revenue.


The rentals LTD (Lifetime to Date) totals will be maintained automatically by the software.
 All currencies are included. No conversion is applied.
 Window to view the Monthly or Annual Rentals totals for this customer, as outlined in LTD Revenue.


The services LTD (Lifetime to Date) totals will be maintained automatically by the software.
 All currencies are included. No conversion is applied.
 Window to view the Monthly or Annual Rentals totals for this customer, as outlined in LTD Revenue.


The Reward Dollars value is the current total Usable amount that can be applied against the customer's account.

This Usable amount is updated when posted invoices earning the Reward Dollars are fully paid within the Maximum Payment Days set in the Reward Program assigned to the customer, and no Rewards Dollars were used to make that payment.
 Until the invoice that earned the Rewards Dollars is paid, the Rewards Dollars are considered Pending.

If the Reward Program expires because of lack of activity, all Reward Dollars are lost and if an invoice is not paid within the Maximum Payment Days defined for the Reward Program, Reward Dollars for that specific invoice will expire.

A window is provided to view Reward Dollar History for this customer including parent and child earnings, and regardless of pending, usability, or posting status.


This value represents Rewards Dollars that have been earned on posted invoices but do not yet qualify to be used as payment because the invoice has not been paid in full.
 The eligible amounts are upgraded to Usable Reward Dollars that qualify to be applied against the customer's account, only when the invoice earning the Reward Dollars is fully paid within the Maximum Payment Days set in the Reward Program assigned to the customer, without applying Reward Dollars to pay it.


The total Lifetime to Date Reward Dollars that has already been used to pay On Account charges, is displayed.


The total Lifetime to Date Reward Dollars total that has been earned, is displayed.


Window to view monthly credit history statistics for this customer as outlined in Credit History.


The average collection is the average number of days the customer takes to pay off invoices.
 It is updated when customer payments are posted.


Select one of the following transaction types for this adjusting entry:

Select Add Dollars to increase or decrease the Usable Reward Dollars for this customer.
 The following additional information is required:


If the Type of Adjustment for this transaction is to 'Add Dollars', accept the "MANUALADJ" default or enter a preferred value to track the adjustment.
 This reference number prints on the Reward Dollar Statements and displays in the Reward Dollar History.


This field does not apply as the adjustment will be as of today's date.


This field only applies if the Type of Adjustment for this transaction is to 'Add Dollars'.
 A negative or positive adjustment to the Usable Reward Dollars can be entered.
 Adjusting transactions to the Reward Expense account and Reward Revenue Deferred as setup in the Default Accounts will post on the Rental Journal Transaction Report with the next Daily Close 3.
 The 'Source' on the transaction will be the Reference or Document# (MANUALADJ).

Select Expire an Invoice to cause an invoice with Pending Reward Dollars to be expired, removing the pending dollars.
 The following additional information is required:


If the Type of Adjustment for this transaction is to 'Expire an Invoice', enter the appropriate invoice number or search for it in the Search for Document by Customer and Date window, where only posted invoices with Pending Reward Dollars will be listed.


Enter the invoice date, or accept the date that defaults from the invoice search action.
 It is mandatory that the date match the date of the invoice selected to be expired.


The value of the Pending Reward Dollars that will be lost because of this expiry action is displayed for information purposes only.
 This change to the Pending Reward Dollars will post adjusting transactions to the Reward Forfeit account and Reward Revenue Deferred as setup in the Default Accounts will post on the Rental Journal Transaction Report with the next Daily Close 3.
 The 'Source' on the transaction will be the Invoice # prefaced with an E for Expired.

Select Reverse an Expiry to reset an expired invoice and to re-instate the Pending Reward Dollars.
 The following additional information is required:


If the Type of Adjustment for this transaction is to 'Reverse an Expiry', enter the appropriate invoice number or search for it in the Search for Document by Customer and Date window, where only posted expired invoices will be listed.


Enter the invoice date, or accept the date that defaults from the invoice search action.
 It is mandatory that the date match the date of the invoice selected.


The value of the Pending Reward Dollars that will be recovered because of the expiry reversal action is displayed for information purposes only.
 This change to the Pending Reward Dollars will post adjusting transactions to the Reward Forfeit account and Reward Revenue Deferred as setup in the Default Accounts will post on the Rental Journal Transaction Report with the next Daily Close 3.
 The 'Source' on the transaction will be the Invoice # prefaced with an R for Reverse.


Enter an associated reason for the adjustment or change in expiry, to print on Reward Statements and to display in the Reward Dollar History.
 This is a mandatory field.


Click ACCEPT to accept the adjustment in preparation for posting, or CANCEL to abort.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Reward Dollar Adjustment screen include:

Return Table to Original Sequence:
 Click the DETAILS button to view Reward Dollar History for this customer, including pending, eligibility, and posting status

Topic Keyword: ARRD03 (5831)