Reward Dollar Statements
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Reward Dollar Menu -> Reward Dollar Statements
This utility can be run to generate the 'Reward Dollars Statements' for the On Account customers to reflect posted pending and usable Reward Dollars activity during the month.
Unposted pending reward dollars are not reflected on the statements
Reward Statements will not be generated for customers flagged to "Suppress" statement printing in Customer Information and a Reward Dollar Statement cannot be generated for a 'Child' customer as all reward dollars can only be used by the 'Parent'.
This option is not accessible or visible on the menu when the Reward Program feature is not activated.
Individual Reward Dollar Statements can also be generated from the STATEMENT button in the Reward Dollar History window.
Note: Reward Statements for Alternate Language customers are only available in the alternate language on Jasper forms.
Contact Emailing Statements:
Jasper Reward Dollar statements can be emailed to the relevant contacts setup for the customer and site in the Contact Information, when the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
Any statements not emailed are then printed.
The prompts to generate Customer Reward Dollar Statements are:
Accept the current the Month End date or enter a preferred date.
This date becomes the Statement Date and determines the reporting month for Reward Dollar activity.
Select one of the following options:
•Select Customer Name to select customers by the Alpha Name key.
•Select Customer# to select customers by Customer Number.
Leave this field blank for all customers, or type in the first name or number or lookup the starting customer from the search window, as outlined in Accounting Customer Search.
Note: If the "Customer Selection Method" option Customer Name was selected above, then enter a starting Name in this field.
Conversely if the "Customer Selection Method" option Customer# was selected, then enter a starting Number in this field.
Leave this field blank for all customers, or type in the last name or number or lookup the ending customer in the search window.
Your company or division name and address can be automatically printed at the top of each statement.
•If statements are to be printed for a single specific division then the division address as entered in Divisions is printed.
•If statements are being printed for all divisions or a selection of divisions then the company address from Company Information is printed.
Uncheck this box if your forms have your mailing address pre-printed, and the company address is not required.
Check this box if your pre-printed forms do NOT have your mailing address pre-printed. This format is economical and flexible if there are multiple company addresses.
Select this option to print the logo and company information in the top left corner of the statement.
Uncheck this box to skip customers with a credit reward dollar statement generated by a negative reward dollar adjustment from Reward Dollar Adjustment.
Check this box to include accounts which have a credit reward dollar balance.
•Type ALL to include statements for all customer divisions.
If the option to Print Company Address has been selected, the address from the Company Information is printed, appropriate to a central A/R department.
•To print statements for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
If the option to Print Company Address has been selected, the address from the specific Division is printed, appropriate to each division handling its own A/R payments.
•Type SEL to select several divisions or divisions by customer region to include, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
If the option to Print Company Address has been selected, the address from the Company Information is printed, appropriate to a central A/R department.
Check this box to include all types.
Uncheck this box to select a specific type.
Enter a Customer type or select one from the drop-down list as setup in Customer Types.
Check this box to include all Salesmen Codes.
Uncheck this box to select a specific Salesman code.
Enter a Salesman code or select one from the drop-down list as setup in Salesman Codes.
Uncheck this box to skip statements for customers when the pending rewards is 0, usable rewards is 0, and there are no Reward Dollar transactions within the statement period.
Check this box to print statements with zero balances.
Note: Statements will never be generated for customers that have never had any rewards activity.
This option is enabled when the email feature is setup in the Use Contact Document Emailing in the Company Email Configuration to automatically email statements to selected customer/site contacts according to the Contact Information flags.
Check this box to generate an email for the statements to eligible contacts flagged to receive Reward Statements in Email Types.
Confirmation is required before the emailed statements are generated.
A record is written to the Email Log for any emails generated.
Uncheck this box if the relevant statements do not need to be emailed and they will be printed instead.
A printer can be selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
Click YES to output the statements to Jasper Forms.
Click NO to output the statements using the Plain Paper format.
Note: Crystal forms are not supported,
Customer Statement Log:
The statement log is output to the selected printer when the statements are generated, listing each customer number, name, with the Action column showing Printed, or Emailed.
The Customer Statement Log includes a summary line of the total number of statements generated in the run with the total dollars 'Pending' and the total dollars 'Usable' of all statements listed.
Topic Keyword: ARRD08 (5833)