Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reward Dollar Activity

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Reward Dollar Menu -> Reward Dollar Activity

The Reward Dollar Activity Report is a management report intended to show reward dollar activity over a period.
 This option is not accessible or visible on the menu when the Reward Program feature is not activated.

The prompts include:


Accept one month ago from today's date for the reporting start date, or enter a preferred beginning date for the output.


Accept today's date for the reporting end date, or enter a preferred cut-off date for the output.


Select one of the following options:

Select Customer Name to select customers by the Alpha Name key.

Select Customer# to select customers by Customer Number.


Leave this field blank for all customers, or type in the first name or number or lookup the starting customer from the search window, as outlined in Accounting Customer Search.

Note: If the "Customer Selection Method" option Customer Name was selected above, then enter a starting Name in this field.
 Conversely if the "Customer Selection Method" option Customer# was selected, then enter a starting Number in this field.


Leave this field blank for all customers, or type in the last name or number or lookup the ending customer in the search window.


Type ALL to include customers from all divisions.

To only include customers from a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select several divisions or divisions by customer region to include, as outlined in Division Select By Region.

Note: This division filter is based on customer division when the sort order selected is either Customer Name or Customer Division, but the filter is by the division on the document header in ARAR when the sort order selected is Document Division.


Check this box to include all types.

Uncheck this box to select a specific type.


Enter a Customer type or select one from the drop-down list as setup in Customer Types.


Check this box to include all Salesmen Codes.

Uncheck this box to select a specific Salesman code.


Enter a Salesman code or select one from the drop-down list as setup in Salesman Codes.


Select one of the following sort options:

Select Customer Name to sort the records on the resulting output by Alpha key as defined in the Customer Information.

Select Customer Division to sort the records by the customer's home division as assigned in Customer Information.

Select Document Division to sort records by the document division respecting the Div, All or Sel filter, where manual adjustment transactions generated from the Reward Dollar Adjustment utility and bulk expiry postings will be assigned to the customer division, but invoices, invoice payments, payments made with Reward Dollars, and individual invoice expiry records will post to the ARAR document division.


This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
 Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.


Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.

Report Output:
 The columns on the report and spreadsheet include the following:

PENDING: new invoices created with Reward Dollars Pending in the reporting Time Period
 PAID ON TIME: Reward Dollars that became Usable as a result of paying within Max Payment Days
 MANUAL ADJ.: manual adjustments of Reward Dollars Usable, as entered in Reward Dollar Adjustment DOLLARS USED: total dollars used to pay invoices
 EXPIRED: Reward Dollars expired either by the utility, or by a payment after the Max Payment Days, or a manual expiry or reversal entered in Reward Dollar Adjustment
 LTD PENDING: pending balance as of the reporting End Date
 LTD USEABLE: usable balance as of the reporting End Date
 LTD USED: Life-to-date dollars used which is only include in the spreadsheet output.

Note: When the output is sorted by Document Division, the same customer could be included in multiple divisions, so to maintain accurate reporting totals, the LTD values are only listed the first time the customer is listed.

Topic Keyword: ARRD09 (5835)