Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual


System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Software Integration -> Logistics

Texada Web is a mobile application that can be used for asset management that integrates with SRM to track delivery, pickup, rental return, and service of equipment in the field or in the shop.


Uncheck this box if your firm does not use Texada Web in any of its stores or divisions.

Check this box if your firm uses the Texada Web application.

Texada Web User Setup with Security:
 Texada Web users must have an SRM operator setup in Operators that is assigned a valid email address, as the Texada Web app uses the email address and password to validate login.
 Access to the different aspects of Texada Web are controlled by the Security Roles and Operator setup as follows:


Texada Web per-user license count is defined by Texada in the maintain "Licenses and Reserved Runtimes" table.
 If this is zero then there is no restriction to the number of Texada Web users at the license level, otherwise this will be the maximum number of users exported to Texada Web.

When changes are made to Operators, or to Security Role Permission and the role includes Texada Web permissions, a count of all users that would be exported is executed and a warning is triggered if this limit has been exceeded.

-Dispatcher/Service Manager Operator Setup:

This TW role allows operators to log into the Dispatch Portal, and to assign Mechanics to Work Orders, and/or Drivers to Delivery/Pickup Tickets.

oOperator Code with a valid email address

oSecurity Role Permission for Texada Web Dispatcher in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window

Note: The roles for Dispatcher and Service manager are not separate.
 This means if a user has access to the Texada Web Dispatch server, and both 'TW - Delivery/Pickup' and 'TW - W.O.' are activated for a division in the Divisional Logistics Settings window, then that operator has access to assign Mechanics to Work Orders and to assign Drivers to Delivery/Pickup Tickets.

-Mechanic Service Operator Setup:

This TW role allows operators to log into the Mobile Device, and to process Work Orders.

oOperator Code with a valid email address

oOperator Code assigned a valid Employee# as setup in the Time Charge Operators

oSecurity Role Permission for Texada Web Mechanic in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window

o'TW WO' activated for the operator division in the Divisional Logistics Settings window

Note: The Time Charge Operators assigned as the Employee/Mechanic in Operators must be consistent across the divisions enabled to use Texada Web for that operator.

-Driver Operator Setup:

This TW role allows operators to log into the Mobile Device, and to perform Deliveries and Pickups.

oOperator Code with a valid email address

oOperator Code must be assigned to a Driver code in the Drivers table

oSecurity Role Permission for Texada Web Driver in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window

o'TW D/P' activated for the operator division in the Divisional Logistics Settings window

-In-Yard Returns Operator Setup:

This TW role allows operators to log into the Mobile Device, and to perform In-Yard Returns.

oOperator Code with a valid email address

oSecurity Role Permission for Texada Web In-Yard Returns in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window

-External WO Employee Access Control:

This SRM role allows operators within the SRM application to remove a lock on a Work Order that has been locked by a Texada Web mobile device.
 This action should only be used when Texada Web shows a Work Order is completed but in SRM it shows as still locked.

-Cancel Open Texada Web Del/Pick Tickets Security Control:

This SRM role allows operators within the SRM application to cancel a Delivery or Pickup ticket that a Driver has loaded or unloaded on Texada Web device.
 This action should only be used to reverse tickets that are:

1.completed in Texada Web but not correct in SRM

2.the driver completed the wrong ticket/quantity, and the SRM quantity needs to be fixed
 To fix the quantities, the SRM user must cancel the Ticket, create a new one, and then that ticket must be assigned to a Driver and completed with proper quantities.

-Address Requirements:

When “Texada Mobile” has been activated, the first Address line of the Customer, Site, Document Bill-To and Ship-To addresses becomes a mandatory input field, to support the address requirement on Delivery and Pickup Tickets.

SRM Access from Texada Web:
 A URL can be used from the Texada Web app to allow the user to log into the SRM application as that user, and to then run any menu functions.

Texada Web Access from SRM:
 When an operator is configured to use Texada Web per the flag in the Operator Codes, a Switch to Texada Web button is activated on the SRM Main Menu for easy access.

Messaging Texada Web Mobile Device from SRM:
 The NEW MESSAGE button on the SRM Main Menu provides the option to select between ‘Application’ messaging within SRM, and ‘Texada Web’ messaging to communicate from SRM with Mechanics, Drivers and In-Yard Return staff on their Mobile devices.
 Texada Web messaging is based on the user’s System ID defined in the Operator Codes. Only operators who have Security Role Permission for Driver, Mechanic, or In-Yard Return staff can be selected to receive a Texada Web message.
 Refer to Internal Messaging for details on the feature.

Delivery/Pickup with Dispatch in Texada Web:
 The Texada Web mobile unit can be used to log and track delivery, pickup and exchange transactions, updating the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch, for divisions flagged to use 'TW D/P' in the Divisional Logistics Settings window.

When Texada Web is activated, the Auto-Close Delivery Tickets and Auto-Close Pickup Tickets flags in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters are unchecked and disabled for any division with the 'TW D/P' feature activated in the Divisional Logistics Settings window.

If both Texada Web and On Demand are activated, then the delivery/pickup ticket information will NOT be sent to Texada Web as On Demand will do the scheduling.

The Override Logistics Ticket Status utility can be used to correct tickets where the logistics system has not properly updated the status of items on tickets.

Meter Reading Capture:

If a product is a metered product, the Delivery and Pickup tickets will prompt for the meter reading, which updates the product file meter.

Fuel Usage Capture:

If the product has Fuel types defined with a non-zero capacity, and there is a sales product or service code assigned to the fuel type for billing, the Pickup tickets will prompt for each fuel type usage.

Equipment Exchanges on Pickup Ticket:

If any product is flagged on a Texada Web Pickup Ticket as being picked up for an Exchange, the Pickup Ticket number is suffixed with an X.
 A corresponding Delivery Ticket is created to deliver the replacement product and that Delivery Ticket is given the same number and is also suffixed with an X to clearly indicate an Exchange in progress.

External Transport feature:

If your firm also utilizes an 'External Transport' service as configured in Transport Supplier Information, the option is provided when a Delivery or Pickup Ticket is created in utilities such as Contract Summary and Totals, Create Delivery Ticket and Create Pickup Ticket, to flag that ticket for scheduling to an 'External Transport' service, so that these tickets are not reflected in the Texada Web "Delivery/Pickup Dispatch" queue, but they can still be returned through the Texada Web "In-Yard Return" process.

Note: When Texada Web is enabled in the Software Integration parameters to track driver tickets, then any operator who does not have Security Role Permissions to the Cancel Open Texada Web Del/Pick Tickets option, will not be allowed to cancel delivery or pickup tickets in SRM.
 Delivery and Pickup Tickets cannot be closed in TW until the driver has completed the ticket on the mobile app.
 Tickets can be closed or cancelled in SRM if required.
 Any items on an open delivery or pickup ticket cannot be returned until the ticket is closed or cancelled.

Equipment Service/Repair with Mechanic assignment in Texada Web:
 Using the Texada Web mobile device, parts and labour can be added and updated on a Work Order that is from a division flagged to use 'TW WO' in the Divisional Logistics Settings window.

oTexada Web W.O. Mechanic Control:
 More than one mechanic can be assigned to a Work Order in Texada Web if the mechanics (after the first one) are at the same location as the current W.O. location.
 Only one mechanic can be assigned at a time. The previous mechanic needs to pause the WO in order for the Dispatcher to reassign it, or the Mechanic can unassign himself, which automatically pauses it.
 Another mechanic can be assigned to a Work Order even if there is labour on the W.O. originating from TW or from SRM.

oCreate New W.O. from Texada Web:
 A new Work Order can be created from TW Dispatch or from the Mobile device if the operator has Security Role Permission in SRM.

oCreate New Customer from Texada Web:
 A new Customer can be created from TW Dispatch for the new W.O. if the operator has Security Role Permission in SRM.
 The "Create New Customer" button can be accessed from the "Create New W.O." Dispatch screen.

Existing Customer data can also be updated from TW Dispatch.

oTexada Web W.O. Location Control:
 When a mechanic is assigned to an existing Work Order from the Texada Web app, the location of the W.O. is changed to the default location assigned to the Operator Code associated with that mechanic/employee number, and the following restrictions apply:

1.Employee must be associated with an Operator record flagged to use Texada Web

2.If any other employees have already been assigned to the Work Order, the new employee's default location from the Operator record must match the W.O. location.

Note: When a location is changed on a Work Order, any back-ordered quantities are moved from the old to new W.O. location via background task transactions, and if a requirements record exists, it is rewritten to the new location.

oTexada Web W.O. Transfer:
 Before a mechanic is assigned to an existing Work Order from the Texada Web app, the location of the W.O. can be changed by Dispatch and an Internal Branch Transfer can be created to move the asset, under the following conditions:

the asset being serviced must be a non-bulk rental in the fleet

no Mechanic has been assigned to the W.O. yet

there are no parts, labour or service details on the W.O.

the Status Code on the asset allows transfers

the transfer destination is a valid Location

asset is not already on a transfer to a different location from the requested one

The 'Texada Web Transfer Set Division to Owning Division' flag in the Company Estimate and Work Order Parameters can be set so that when a the W.O. Location is changed and the Internal Branch Transfer is triggered, the Division on the Work Order is changed to the "Owning Division" of the asset being serviced, causing the service billing to be charged to the asset "Owning Division".

The 'Texada Web Transfer Check From Location' flag in the Company Estimate and Work Order Parameters can be set so that an Internal Branch Transfer can only be generated for a Work Order in Dispatch if there is currently a quantity on one (1) at the "From" location (RSIL) for the non-bulk rental product.

oTexada Web W.O. Lock:
 If an existing Work Order is in use by a Texada Web mobile unit, or an employee has been assigned to W.O. through Texada Web, the W.O. cannot be modified or deleted until the work is completed.
 A warning is triggered to alert the operator of the conflict.
 Only operators with the security flag to External WO Employee Access in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of Security Role Permission have the ability to remove the employee from the Active Employees on this Work Orders window and/or to release the external lock on the Work Order.

oW.O. Inspection Sheets:
 When an Inspection Form is assigned to a Work Order or is associated with a product being serviced, the details on the inspection sheet are pushed to the Texada Web mobile device for the mechanic to address.
 Numeric fields in Inspection Forms are limited to a maximum size of 9, with up to 4 decimal places.

oMeter Reading Capture:
 If the Work Order is for a metered item, the meter reading prompt will be triggered which updates the product file mete.
 This meter reading prompt is the only one that allows the 'new meter' Reason Codes, and will prompt for new meter digits, old meter stop, new meter start if required.

oBack Order a Part or Order a New Part Required on WO:
 When a Mechanic requires a part to complete the Work Order that is not in stock or is not carried in SRM, the part can be flagged as Back Ordered on the W.O. on the Mobile device which automatically generates a request to the Purchasing Agent to order the part in SRM.
 The process flow is:

1.When the Mechanic realizes a part is needed to complete the Work Order assigned to him and that part is not available:

in SRM but not in stock - click the [ADD PARTS] button on the W.O. and select part & quantity with comments, and set the BO order flag

not in SRM - click the [ADD PARTS] button on the W.O., and then click on the "Addition" tab where the description/title of the part, the part identifier number, and any details on the vendor can be entered.
 Then clicks [ORDER PART] to return to the 'Add Parts Details' screen so the quantity and any comments can be added, and the Back Order flag can be set.

2.Click "Save" to add the Part record to the W.O. and return to the Work Order screen where the part is displayed in the Parts list and is flagged with a "BO" status in red.
 An email which includes all previously specified details including the W.O.#, is automatically sent to the company or division Purchasing Agent as defined at the bottom of the SRM 'Logistics' configuration screen.

3.The Purchasing Agent confirms the part number provided by the Mechanic is accurate and orders the part on a Purchase Order in SRM, and links the P.O. detail to the appropriate W.O.# in the Expanded P.O. detail line.
 A Push notification is automatically sent to the Mobile Device to alert the Mechanic that the PO was created, or when it was Cancelled, Un-cancelled or Deleted.
 (Push notifications only appear on Mobile device when Texada Web app is reduced)

4.When the part is received in the warehouse and if the P.O. detail was linked to the W.O. and that TW W.O. is still open, then a Push notification is automatically sent to the Mobile Device to alert the Mechanic that the part is available.
 A Push notification is also sent if the receiving is reversed.

5.When the Mechanic is ready, he clicks the Back Ordered part on the W.O. Parts list and confirms the part number he originally specified is correct. The part is taken off "BO" status after this confirmation, and the Mechanic can complete the Work Order.

Note: To avoid duplicating parts, when the "Add Parts to Work Order in Warehouse" feature has been activated in Company Inventory Parameters, a newly received Part is automatically added to a TW W.O. as "ordered" instead of issued, so that the Mechanic can change the part to issued on the W.O. as he uses it.

oFuel Usage Capture:
 Fuel billing is not captured on Work Orders at this time.

oW.O. Tag Printing:

A printer can be setup for Work Order Tag printing in the Divisional Printers table.
 The Texada Web printer is always a divisional printer based on the default division of the operator assigned in the Operator Codes details.
 To designate this Texada Web printer, enter the 'Report Device Description' and 'Type' Z for Zebra printing or 'Type' F for PDF printing, for the appropriate division in Divisional Printers.
 When setting up a 'Type' F printer for W.O. Tag printer, the email address on the expanded printer detail line must be blank as Tag printing does not support "email printing".

The Jasper report TX_WS045.RPT needs to be mapped to 'FL_Tag' in the Document/Forms Mappings table.

Texada Web Work Order Tag printing requires an image of each relevant non-bulk rental product to be defined in the Rental Information window.
 Images will be stored in the 'Common Data Directory' defined in the Support Application Parameters as a .png file.
 For initial setup, users will need to export/import all their URL codes using the Maintain External Resource URL utility. Upon import all the images will be created.
 Whenever a user adds or changes a URL in either the Rental Information or Maintain External Resource URL the image will be created/modified.
 The image name will be <product #>_QR.png and leading spaces will be removed from the product number and special characters will be preceded with a slash in order to be xml friendly.

oEquipment Status Code Changes to Create/Close Work Orders:

When Texada Web changes the asset Status Code, if the 'To' code is in the Status Code by Group Actions table with the action to generate a Work Order, it will generate a new Work Order when the Status Code change is processed.

A Work Order for a non-bulk rental product with a Status Code flagged to auto-close, can also automatically be closed in SRM when the W.O. was created from a Rental Return or Exchange and the service is completed as an Internal repair on a Texada Web mobile device.
 Refer to Status Code Actions By Group.

oW.O. Reporting in SRM:
 The summary spreadsheet output of the Work Order Report includes TW Employee information from each W.O. including columns for TW Employee number, and the Dates & Times that the Work Order was Assigned, Started, and Closed in Texada Web.

Product In-Yard Return with Texada Web:
 When rental or sale products on an SRM Contract are returned to the rental store or yard, the product information about the return can be captured through Texada Web on the Mobile device and then submitted to SRM to close and bill the contract.

Products can be identified for return on the Mobile device by entering a complete or partial product number, description, or barcode.
 All items out (Status O or F but not on a Delivery Ticket) on each Contract that includes that product, are then listed for consideration for the return.

Products can also be selected on the Mobile device by entering a complete or partial customer name, billing name, or phone number, or by using a search on exact customer number match, exact contract number match, or exact product external resource URL.
 All customers or contracts that match the search criteria are listed and the operator can drill down through the contracts to select the product details.

Items can be selected for an In-Yard Return when the status is ‘O’ and also when the status is Status 'F' when 'F' represents a normal Off-Rental, a closed Pickup Ticket, an open Texada Web or external Pickup Ticket with qty completed and zero loaded.

From the resulting product list on the Mobile device, all or partial quantities on each product can be entered for return and any associated comments can be logged.
 If the product is still on a Pickup Ticket, then the In-Yard Return product quantity cannot exceed the quantity a driver has set as the completed quantity on the corresponding Pickup Ticket.
 A damage flag is provided to indicate if the equipment requires service and the current meter reading can be recorded with a reason code when the meter units are less than the current value.

When the product list for the return is completed and submitted from the Mobile device to SRM, the product list is loaded into the Rental Return Worksheet utility by contract, where the contract details can be closed through the standard SRM Rental Return process flow, updating product data and availability.
 Any Work Orders are then created for service requirements and the Invoices are generated for billing.

Note: When the "In-Yard" return is performed on the Texada Web Mobile device, the inventory records are assigned to the operator's location, as configured on the Operator file.

 Any Contract details or services cannot be changed or deleted in SRM or from an API, once the Contract is flagged as a Texada Web 'In-Yard-Return'.

oIn-Yard Return prompt for the following additional fields::

Non-bulk and Bulk Rentals without meter or blade: Damaged, comments, photo

Non-bulk Rentals with blade: damaged, comments, photo and blade measurement

Non-bulk Rentals with meter: damaged, comments, photo and meter reading, with meter entry

Sales items: comments and photo

Serializes sales: comments and photo

Sales primary/secondary: comments, photo, secondary qty returned

oFuel Usage Capture:
 If the product has Fuel types defined with a non-zero capacity in the Make/Model and Re-Order Information window, and there is a sales product or service code assigned to the fuel type for billing in the Fuel Types table, the In Yard Return will prompt for each fuel type usage.

When a product with a fuel reading is returned in a Texada Web In Yard Return and the usage is captured, the fuel used is billed by adding the associated product or service to the invoice that results from the Rental Return in SRM.
 The fuel quantity can only be changed on the Rental Return in SRM if the operator has role permission to 'Modify In-Yard Fuel Qty In Returns' as controlled in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of the Security Role Permissions.

oMeter Units Capture:
 If the product on the return is a non-bulk rental that tracks Meter units used as defined in the Product Meter Information window, the In Yard Return will prompt to the updated meter count.

When a product with meter tracking is returned in a Texada Web In Yard Return and the new unit count is captured, the meter units can only be changed on the Rental Return in SRM if the operator has role permission to 'Modify In-Yard Meter In Returns' as controlled in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of the Security Role Permissions.

oDate/Time In Capture:
 When the rental products are processed as returned on the Texada Web In Yard Return the date and time is captured and can only be changed on the Rental Return in SRM if the operator has role permission to 'Modify Date/Time In Returns' as controlled in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of the Security Role Permissions.

oIn-Yard Return Signature Capture:
 When In-Yard Return captures the signature it submits this information to SRM along with an email address so that SRM can email the In-Yard Return form to that email address.
 The Jasper report TX_RSSWH10.RPT needs to be mapped to 'FL_Signature' in the Document/Forms Mappings table.
 The In-Yard Return receipt can be reprinted or emailed from SRM from In-Yard Return Slip Reprint

oIn Yard Return Receipt email/print:
 The In Yard Return slip can be printed or emailed according to the selection made on the In Yard Return "Sign Off" screen on the tablet.

To print the receipt, the printer's email address can be selected from the email drop-down list on the Mobile device.
 The printer must be a device printer on the FeetLogic Linux/Unix server and must be setup in the Divisional Printers table as printer Type 'F'.
 When the printer type is 'F' a unique email address can be entered in the expanded Printer detail line of the Divisional Printers table. This address does not need to be a valid email address as it is only used as a selector.
 This printer email address will be included in the In Yard Return email selector list on the "Sign Off" screen of the Mobile device, and when selected will send the 'Return Slip' to the associated division 'F' type printer.

Asset Management in Texada Web Dispatch:
 Existing Rental Assets and Sales Parts in SRM can be edit from the INVENTORY page on Texada Web Dispatch.
 New Assets and new sales Parts can also be added to the SRM fleet and merchandise inventory from Texada Web Dispatch.

Security to Add/Edit Sales Part in TW Dispatch:
 If the operator has been assigned a Security Role with menu permission to access either the TW - Parts option or Sales Inventory, or has permission to Add Sale Inventory as defined in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of the Security Role, then the operator can also add or edit existing Sales Parts in Texada Web Dispatch.

Security to Add/Edit Rental Products in TW Dispatch:
 If the operator has been assigned a Security Role with menu permission to access either this TW - Assets option or Rental Inventory, or has permission to Add Rental Inventory as defined in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of the Security Role, then the operator can also add or edit existing Rental Products in Texada Web Dispatch.

Descartes offers two levels of their Delivery/Pickup route planning system that integrate with SRM software to help your firm to schedule the delivery/pickup orders.
 The On Demand (Cube Route) application is a live scheduling app, that can be used with or without its counterpart WinRoute.
 Basically Delivery & Pickup Tickets are submitted from SRM to On Demand if they need to go on the following day, and future tickets can be submitted to WinRoute for scheduling to minimize trips and so that everything is delivered on time and trucks do not come back empty.

1.On Demand (without WinRoute):
 When the On Demand application is used with SRM software without WinRoute, SRM pushes the delivery and pickup orders directly to On Demand and then the dispatcher can manually schedule and track the delivery and pickup trucks and routes.
 Tickets must be closed manually when they are changed.

The Texada SRM programs that supply information to the On Demand system include:

oContracts - sets the 'On Demand Delivery' flag and prompts for the delivery period

oCounter Worksheet - Contracts - sets the 'On Demand Delivery' flag and prompts for the delivery period

oCreate Delivery Ticket - prompts for delivery time for On Demand

oCancel Delivery Ticket - generates a warning to manually cancel the route site if the delivery ticket had been submitted to On Demand

oCreate Pickup Ticket - prompts for pickup time for On Demand

oCancel Pickup Ticket - generates a warning to manually cancel the route site if the pickup ticket had been submitted to On Demand

These programs send information to On Demand from the delivery and pickup tickets created by the Delivery/Pickup Ticket Sub-system, including from the Document#, the time of Delivery/Pickup, the product numbers and the weight of the items to help determine load requirements.
 The Data Upload Interval set in the On Demand configuration can be used to define the frequency that updated data is automatically transmitted.
 On Demand completes all scheduling and reporting.
 The only information that is returned to Texada SRM is an email warning when a On Demand file transfer fails.

2.On Demand with WinRoute:
 When On Demand is used with WinRoute, then WinRoute captures the pending delivery and pickup orders with product and site specifics from SRM, and automatically builds the routes and timetable to feed the On Demand scheduler for the next day.

Planning is done one day at a time, one day in advance.
 Each day after the Reservations for the next day are converted to the Contracts, the delivery and pickup requirements are pushed to WinRoute by manually initiating the EXPORT action on the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch so WinRoute can generate a schedule with as many deliveries and pickups as possible until the drivers are at capacity.
 WinRoute optimizes each route to get the deliveries out on time and then to pickup returning equipment in the area so that trucks are not coming back empty.

The WinRoute optimization is based on equipment dimensions (cubes), weight, truck capacity and driver availability.
 SRM tracks the weight and dimensions of the assets, and for optimizes tomorrow’s pickups by prioritizing pickups as follows:

1.pickups for group items which are overbooked within the next few days

2.pickups older than 5 days

3.all other pickups

Once the route plan has been completed, it is published from WinRoute to On Demand and the tickets are handled the same as ones generated directly from On Demand/SRM integration or as entered directly into On Demand.
 Because WinRoute builds the most efficient On Demand dispatch schedule, the dispatcher really only needs to monitor and add any additions manually to the On Demand schedule, and to close the completed tickets in SRM.

For more information on these Descartes applications refer to www.cuberoute.com

Note: The Descartes applications are based on the delivery and pickup tickets, so the Delivery/Pickup Ticket Sub-system must be activated in the divisional Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters for each division that is to use On Demand and WinRoute.

ON DEMAND: To ensure system functionality only the SCS operator can set Descartes On Demand and Descartes Winroute command pathnames.
 The On Demand parameters include:


Uncheck this box if your firm does not utilize the On Demand third-party software.

Check this box to activated On Demand and to setup the export parameters as follows:

Note: If both Texada Web and On Demand are activated, then the delivery/pickup ticket information will NOT be sent to Texada Web as On Demand will do the scheduling, and a warning the "Texada Web Ignores Tickets" is displayed.


Enter the address of the On Demand website login page.
 e.g. https://cuberoute.com/yourname/winterface/


Enter the name assigned to your firm by On Demand.


Enter the password assigned to your firm by On Demand.


Data is not transferred immediately to On Demand.
 Enter the frequency in minutes for how often the data transfer between Texada SRM and On Demand should occur. This can not be more frequent than every 10 minutes.


This is the location of the cuberoute.py script.
 The default value for Windows is c:\scsbin\cuberoute.exe
 The default value for Linux is /usr/local/tsi/bin/cuberoute.py
 This can be over-typed as required.


Check this box to send all deliveries and pickups to On Demand.
 Uncheck this box to only send open deliveries and pickups to On Demand.


Select the interface version from the drop-down box:

1- Legacy Cube route

2- On Demand 2016


Any On Demand transfer errors can be viewed in the View Application Log window.

WINROUTE: To ensure system functionality only the SCS operator can set Descartes On Demand and Descartes Winroute command pathnames.
 The WinRoute parameters include:


Uncheck this box if your firm does not utilize the WinRoute third-party software.

Check this box to activated WinRoute and to setup the parameters as follows:


Enter the address of the WinRoute upload site as supplies by Descartes.


Enter the name assigned to your firm by WinRoute.


Enter the password assigned to your firm by WinRoute.


This the cutoff time for adding new stops to WinRoute for tomorrow's schedule.

e.g. If a division is open until 5pm, the cutoff time could be set to 4:00 PM, so any attempts to schedule a delivery or pickup for the next day after 4:00 PM would not be permitted, and the user would be warned that the delivery could not be scheduled.
 Deliveries that cannot be scheduled for tomorrow via WinRoute will then have to be rescheduled with the customer or scheduled manually the next day on On Demand.


This is the location of the cuberoute.py script.
 The default value for Windows is c:\scsbin\cuberoute.exe
 The default value for Linux is /usr/local/tsi/bin/cuberoute.py
 This can be over-typed as required.


This value is the number of days ahead that the WinRoute export will consider for pickup optimization.
 It will check this many days AFTER tomorrow, and assign top priority to any pickups for groups which are overbooked during that time period, to try to minimize the need for off-rentals.
 This can be any value from 0 through 7, where 0 disables the processing.


This is the time period in the day during which deliveries can be scheduled.
 e.g. 6:00 am through 6:00 PM.

These times are used during the WinRoute export to set allowed and preferred times for stops.
 If a specific stop does not have a fixed time window, then the stop is scheduled so that it fits into the time window when drivers are available.
 For Deliveries, the time window would be from Driver Start Time through to the Delivery window end date, and for Pickups the time window would be from Pickup window start time through to end of the driver day.
 If a fixed window is set for a single day, then that is the exact window sent to WinRoute.
 If the fixed window spans multiple days, then the date out must start at the window start period, and cannot go past the window end period.
 Intermediate days default to the entire time when drivers are working.


Because WinRoute uses the ship to information for the stop locations including longitude/latitude where available, any Global Sites that should not apply need to be listed in this Ignore Address Information for these Global Sites window.
 A search button is provided to display and select from Global Sites in the Site Search window.

Global sites listed in this "ignore" window will be totally ignored for address purposes.
 This is useful for customers who do NOT fill in the site address information and instead have a default global site, such as "blank" that prints SAME in the ship to address, or NS for No Site.


The Custom Stop Properties window is provided to defined additional properties in the form of text that can be used to trigger custom WinRoute optimization on stops.


Any WinRoute transfer errors can be viewed in the View Application Log window.

LOGISTICS - General:


Enter the email address of the person on your staff who should be notified if there are any problems with the download of information to On Demand.


Enter the company level email for your firm's Purchasing Agent that will be used to receive parts purchasing requests from Texada Web tasks, so the Purchasing Agent can then create the appropriate Purchase Orders.
 This company Purchasing Agent becomes the default for all divisions unless a specific agent email address is defined for a division or store in the Divisional Logistics Settings window.

Note: The Texada Web parts purchasing requests generally come from the Mechanic's Mobile device and are transmitted to Dispatch where the emails are generated to the company or division defined Purchasing Agent Email.


Window to view and update the Logistics Division settings as outlined in Divisional Logistics Settings.

Descartes Default Stop Lengths:

A default time for scheduling each stop on the route can be defined.
 This default time allowance is displayed in the Descartes - Delivery and Pickup Time window when the Delivery or Pickup tickets are created, and can be over-typed as required.
 This parameter does not apply if a delivery start/end time and a pickup start/end time have been entered with the job event information on the contract.


Enter the default delivery time allowance.
 A window displaying the delivery time range prior to the contract 'Time Out' is triggered when the Delivery ticket is created, and can be over-typed as required.


Enter the default pickup time allowance.
 A window displaying the pickup time range following the 'Off Rental Time' is triggered, when the Pickup ticket is created, and can be over-typed as required.


Check this box to also include all On Demand activity messages in the Interface Log.
 Uncheck this box to restrict the Interface Log to only Error messages.

Include Current WinRoute Deliveries and Pickups:

The Set Deliveries and Pickups to be Sent to WinRoute window is triggered when WinRoute is initially activated, to allow the operator to flag whether existing 'Pickups', 'Future Deliveries' and/or 'Today's Deliveries' should be exported to WinRoute application for action.

Topic Keyword: GLCN90N (5838)