Rouse Analytics
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Software Integration -> Rouse Analytics
The feature enables daily/monthly equipment, revenue, along with standard or "Book" rates for comparison, and audit information to be exported and sent from Texada SRM to Rouse Analytics and can only be activated by Texada Services staff.
The revenue information is captured from the invoices posted through Daily Close 2: Generate Postings.
The output is exported to files for transfer to Rouse using Automatic Job Scheduling.
The Rouse Export feature can only be activated by SCS staff.
Uncheck this box to prevent data from being exported using this feature.
Check this box if your firm wants to regularly export certain data tables using the function ROUSE02A in the Automatic Job Scheduling process.
When this job runs, the system will populate a folder under the data directory called "rouse" with files which will then be ftp'd to Rouse.
Whenever this job runs, it will also purge out any files in this directory which are 90 days or older.
Activating this process will require DBA assistance to enable database triggers.
Warning: The 20120910-03 patch that creates Rouse views will break in the initial installation on an SQL Server database when there are no rows in the table IHID (History Invoice Details).
Once this IHID table is populated the patch 20120910-03 can be applied.
Note: This parameter is not compatible and cannot be enabled if the P.O. Receiving Auto-Creates Prod# For Groups feature is activated in the Company Inventory Parameters, as mandatory field information for Rouse cannot be completed when there is no operator input in the auto-add product action.
Enter the company code for your firm supplied by Rouse.
Enter the FTP credentials for where files are placed when generated.
Do not include any spaces in these values.
If a Port address is entered, secure FTP is used instead of standard FTP.
The script and psftp.exe need to be in \scsbin on Windows servers, and the script needs to exist on Linux servers.
Note: The Username and Password cannot contain spaces.
The function ROUSE02A needs to be setup to run every Day in the Automatic Job Scheduling to populate a folder under the data directory called "rouse" with files which will then be FTP'd to Rouse.
Enter the email address to receive confirmation of success or of transmission failure, for the Rouse export triggered from the Automatic Job Scheduling.
The company code is included in the Subject Line of the email.
The date stamped emails reference one of the following values:
Generated Daily:
▪EQP - Equipment Master File (RSPF, Non-Bulk Rentals & Re-Rentals, RSIL location)
Note: Equipment data is only exported for Rouse if the product is:
oSerialized rental assets (non-bulk)
oFleet product (per the Inventory flag)
oQuantity of one (per RSIL location)
Generated Monthly
▪PTM - Product Type Master (RSGF/RSPC)
▪IDF - Invoice Detail File
▪OVF - Override File (RSMPL) - (content currently not supplied by SRM but file required by Rouse)
▪RCF - Reason Code File (RSMPC)
▪BRF - Branch File (GLDV, Summary of invoice details + Re-Rental costs)
The Rouse export can also be initiated manually using Export Rouse Analytics, and the confirmation email includes the Operator name or 'Job Scheduler' if it was run from Automatic Job Scheduling.
Note: When the Rouse job is run files 90 days or older are automatically purged.
Additional Rouse Setup Values:
•When Rouse feature is active, each service billing can be categorized as Environmental, Fuel, Delivery/Pickup or Other in the BI field of the "Additional Options" window of the Service Codes.
•When Rouse feature is active, specific fields become mandatory for Non-Bulk Equipment and for Bulk item belonging to Re-Rent Product Class, in Rental Inventory and in Warehouse Receiving including:
Disposal Details
Sold Date
Sold Price
Sales Channel (customer)
Meter Value
Net Book Value
Date Acquired
Make/Model and Re-Order Information
Date in Service (does not apply to Re-Rent Bulk products)
Date of Manufacture
Refurbished Date (when Refurbished field checked)
Topic Keyword: GLCN90N (5841)