System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Software Integration -> SmartEquip
SmartEquip provides web services to review your firms non-bulk rental equipment specifications, vendor manuals, and manufacture part requirements for servicing the equipment.
SmartEquip checks SRM for the availability by location of parts identified as needed for service, and required parts can be selected to create a SmartEquip shopping cart.
When the SmartEquip cart is submitted, Comments can be added, and Work Order references are validated, and a Purchase Order is generated in SRM to order the parts, with any new part records added automatically into the SRM Sales Inventory.
SmartEquip setup requires certain data tables to be synced with SRM including the relevant SRM Vendor numbers, Groups, and Locations.
Review the SmartEquip requirements with your SmartEquip service rep.
Non-Bulk Rental Data Export:
The equipment export action provides the ability to generate a csv export file of non-bulk rental equipment information and FTP it to SmartEquip to be loaded onto their web site.
This export includes all non-bulk rental equipment and can automatically be submitted to SmartEquip on a scheduled basis by setting up SMRTE01A in the Automatic Job Scheduling which creates a csv 'comma delimited' file.
The SmartEquip export can also be initiated manually using Export Inventory to SmartEquip.
Once the rental equipment detail is downloaded to SmartEquip, it can be viewed on the SmartEquip website with specifications and parts diagrams.
Sales Part P.O.s from SmartEquip:
From the SmartEquip web service, sales parts required for service jobs can be selected from schematic parts diagrams and a shopping cart can be submitted which will call the SRM web service to generate the PO for parts not currently in stock, and which will create new part records in SRM when necessary.
SmartEquip uses the Vendor Product # to identify parts that are not in stock that need to be included on a Purchase Order and SmartEquip can even create a new part record in Sales Inventory.
When a new sales part is added in Sales Inventory for a SmartEquip Purchase Order, the following fields are populated:
oProduct number using the "Sales Product Mask" setup in Company Inventory Parameters
oProduct Description from SmartEquip
oVendor number corresponding to SmartEquip (assigned same currency code)
oVendor Product# from the SmartEquip supplier
oProduct Class associated with the Group assigned to this Vendor in SmartEquip
oGroup representing this Vendor
oList Price (only for new products) only updated if the Product Class has a markup percent defined, otherwise cannot be set
When a new or existing part is received and the costs are captured in warehouse receiving or AP invoicing, the Avg Cost, Last PO Cost, LCF and Landed PO Cost are also updated in Sales Inventory.
Note: It is the Landed P.O. Cost from Sales Inventory that is displayed as the List Price/Net Price/Cost in the SmartEquip web service, and once the item is in the product file the standard processing will update this Last PO Cost information.
Sales Part for Work Order:
A valid SRM Work Order can be associated with the SmartEquip shopping cart line item and that W.O.number is passed to the resulting Purchase Order, but on receipt of the order, the W.O. itself is only updated with the part number when the Add Parts To Work Order In Warehouse feature has been activated in the Company Inventory Parameters.
If this Add Parts To Work Order In Warehouse is not activated the part will be received into stock.
File Cleanup:
Clean up of web services files for SmartEquip can be completed automatically by setting up WSQUEUE1 in the Automatic Job Scheduling, which deletes web service files that are more than 2 hours old including:
WS016 - Work Order Validate
WS017 - Fleet Information
WS019H - PO Submission Header
WS019D - PO Submission Details
Product Requirements and Correlation with SmartEquip:
oRental equipment in SmartEquip is tracked by the primary product number defined in Rental Inventory which is sometimes labelled Our Part # in Purchase Orders and other screens, and information compliance is strictly required.
To use SmartEquip, the non-bulk rental inventory must have complete equipment information in the required fields including Group, Make, Model, Tag Serial #, and Manufacture Date.
In preparation, the equipment information on all non-bulk rental inventory can be exported to the SmartEquip Compliance spreadsheet, which can be modified and re-imported to update Rental Inventory.
oSales parts used to service the rental equipment are tracked by the Vendor Product # defined in Sales Inventory, and each Sales part in a Group should have a unique Vendor Product #, because the "Group" or SmartEquip "Stock Class", is associated directly with a specific Vendor.
The DUPLICATE button on the SmartEquip Compliance screen can be used to generate a spreadsheet listing all Sales parts in a Group that have the same Vendor Product #.
The utilities Update Product/Class/Group/Vendor or Update Vendor Product # and Description can be used to correct the Group or Vendor Product #.
The prompts to setup SmartEquip are:
Uncheck this box to prevent data from being exported using this feature.
Check this box if your firm wants to regularly export certain rental inventory data tables using the function SMRTE01A in the Automatic Job Scheduling process.
When this job runs, the system will populate a folder under the data directory called "smartequip" with files which will then be ftp'd to SmartEquip.
Enter the company code for your firm supplied by SmartEquip.
Enter the FTP credentials for where files are placed when generated.
Note: If a Port address is entered, secure FTP is used instead of standard FTP.
The script and psftp.exe need to be in \scsbin on Windows servers, and the script needs to exist on Linux servers.
This is an optional field that allows a user specified sub-directory on SmartEquip to be assigned for the FTP file uploads.
A maximum of 120 characters can be used to define the complete FTP directory path.
This is an optional field that allows a prefix to be added to the equipment.csv export file to distinguish the source company of the exported data.
The function SMRTE01A needs to be setup to run at the required frequency in the Automatic Job Scheduling to populate a folder under the data directory called "smartequip" with files which will then be FTP'd to SMARTEQUIP.
Enter the email address to receive confirmation of success or of transmission failure, for the SmartEquip export triggered from the Automatic Job Scheduling.
A successful email will have a subject of "SmartEquip Export xxxxxxxx" (where xxxxxx is the date).
A failed email will have a subject of "SmartEquip Export Error xxxxxxxxx" (where xxxxxx is the date). Most failures would result in an ftp failure and if possible the body of the email will explain the ftp error.
Click OK to accept any changes made to the Software Integration Parameters.
When this export is run a success or fail email is generated and sent to the address defined in this setup.
If the Export Inventory to SmartEquip utility is run from the menu option and the ftp credentials are bad causing the upload to fail, the option is provided to download the file to the session.
Note: If the Software Integration Parameters window is accepted, the changes are saved even if the operator clicks CANCEL to exit the Company Parameters.
Topic Keyword: GLCN90N (5843)