Delivery and Pickup Cancellation Reasons
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> Deliver/Pickup -> Delivery and Pickup Cancellation Reasons
This table can be used to define the different reasons a driver can assign when a Delivery or Pickup Ticket request that has been submitted to a logistics system such as Texada Web or Descartes applications, cannot be completed.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Customer Management - Cancellation Reasons in order to access this table.
Depending on the action assigned to the Cancellation Reason, incomplete or partial Delivery or Pickups can be flagged as errors and remain on the Exceptions tab of the Deliver/Pickup Dispatch screen to be manually addressed, or flagged to be re-submitted to OnDemand or WinRoute.
Note: For No Reason Code is required for a Delivery cancellation as all partial or incomplete deliveries automatically remain on the Exceptions tab of the Deliver/Pickup Dispatch screen to be manually addressed.
The prompts include:
Accept the next sequence number automatically assigned for this record in this table.
The records will be re-sorted alphabetically by Reason code when the table is accepted.
Enter a code to represent this cancellation reason of a maximum of 3 alpha-numeric characters.
A "blank" reason code is automatically added to this table for 'Undefined' tickets with the action of E , however the action can be modified to suit your business practice.
Enter the description for this Pickup Cancellation reason code.
i.e. NA - No access to the site
Enter one of the following action codes to apply to this reason, or select it from the drop-down box:
•E - Exception (moves to Exceptions tab of the Deliver/Pickup Dispatch)
•R - Re-submit (moves to WinRoute Pickup or OnDemand Pickup tab of the Deliver/Pickup Dispatch
Click ACCEPT when the reason codes are completed.
Topic Keyword: DPCR01 (5849)