Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Copy Operator Information

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security Tab -> General Settings -> Operators -> Operator Codes -> CLONE button -> Copy Operator Information

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security Tab -> General Settings -> Operators -> CLONE button -> Copy Operator Information

Operator codes control security, functionality, and identification for individual users.
 This utility can be used to create a new operator based on the operator properties already configured for an existing operator, but assigning a new operator name and email address for the new operator code, as follows:



This prompt only applies to firms that use the Operators by Division feature as activated in Company Information and defaults to the division of the operator record selected from the Operators list.
 Accept the default division or select one from the drop-down box.

Note: The operator must have Security Role permission for the Security - Operators at the From Division in order to copy operator information from this Division.


Accept the default source operator or enter the existing source operator code or select it from the drop-down box.



This prompt only applies to firms that use the Operators by Division feature as activated in Company Information.
 Enter the target division for the new operator record or select it from the drop-down box.
 Operators can be cloned across divisions.


Enter a unique code that is not already used at this division, of up to 3 characters for the new operator to use at sign in and to identify him throughout the software.

Operator Code Match:

If the new operator code is an exact match to the source Operator Code the name and email address will default from the source operators informaiton.


Enter the operator's name using up to 30 characters.
 This field is mandatory.


Enter an optional email address for this operator.
 Refer to Operator Codes for suggestions on assigning an email address.

Finished ?

Click Accept to create the new operator copying the other information from the From Operator, including Operator Assigned Security Roles and the Employee Number that can be used for Time Sheets.

Name Match:

If the name entered for the new operator is an exact match to a name assigned on another Operator Code at any division, the Existing Operator with the Same Name window is triggered and if this is the same person and the associated existing operator record is selected in the window then the same System ID will be assigned to the new operator.
 If a record is not selected a new System ID is assigned to this new operator.

The new operator can be reviewed and the configuration customized in Operators as required.

Topic Keyword: GLOP18 (5850)