Divisional Weekend Charge Codes
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Division Parameters -> Contract Parameters -> Weekend Charge Options window -> Divisional Weekend Charge Codes
This window can be used to flag which 'No-Charge Weekend' options can be assigned in the No Charge Weekends window on rental documents for this division.
A default No Charge Weekend code can be assigned to relevant customers in the Additional Information window in Customer Information, that can be accepted or over-typed as required in the No Charge Weekends on each rental document.
Refer to Billing Settings for how this no charge feature applies, and how to setup "No Charge" Last weekend options in the Company Billing Parameters.
The available options include:
blank - Charge Weekends.
1 - No charge for the first Saturday.
2 - No charge for the first Sunday.
3 - No charge for the first Weekend (first Saturday & Sunday).
4 - No charge for ALL Saturdays.
5 - No charge for ALL Sundays.
6 - No charge for ALL Weekends (all Saturdays & Sundays).
Check the Permit box for options that should be available on Contracts, Reservations, Quotes and Worksheets generated for this division.
Uncheck the Permit box for any options that do not apply in this division.
The Charge Weekends option is always permitted and cannot be changed.
Note: A warning is triggered if a rental document is created for a customer that has a default No Charge Weekend code set in the customer's Billing Settings, that is not permitted in that document division, and the 'blank' weekend code which charges for all weekends then defaults to that document.
Topic Keyword: DVNC01 (5861)