Loyalty Type
Counter Menu -> Contract / Counter Worksheet -> Additional window -> Loyalty Plan window -> Loyalty Type
The Loyalty Plan is defined for the customer in the Customer Codes window of the Customer Information and applies only to rental discounts.
This value can be overridden for this specific document as required.
Accept the default Loyalty Plan, or blank it out if it does not apply, or select a preferred plan from the Loyalty Plan Selection window.
The Rental Disc % is changed on this document to reflect the new plan, over-riding any Customer/Site rental discount.
Over-Ride Tracking:
If the Loyalty Plan is changed on the document, the discount change is automatically written to a report Print Override Report so that management will be aware of when discounts have been given by a counter clerk.
For tighter security, a password and a reason can be required in to order change a discount.
Passwords may be setup to better control when rates are overridden.
If Reason Codes On Override has been activated in the Company Security Parameters the operator will be prompted for a reason code to explain why the rate was overridden as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.
Enter the Reason code for the change in the rate or select it from the drop-down list.
Note: A flag in the Additional Pop-Up Windows in Divisional Contract Parameters can be set to automatically trigger this Loyalty Plan pop-up window in contract or worksheet entry.
Topic Keyword: RSCH01M (6009)