Region Reservation Processing
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Division Parameters -> Inventory Parameters -> Region Reservation Processing
This processing is focused on filling Reservations when there is insufficient quantity available at the current document location, by permitting the over-bookings for select sales and rental products, and then either transferring quantity from other locations in the area, or ensuring there is time to acquire the quantity needed through a re-rent or a purchase before the order date.
Note: This feature works best if the Allow Overrides On Location Quantities For Reservations is NOT activated in the Company Security Parameters, as it is not useful if overrides on reservations are always allowed.
The Groups for the relevant products must also have the Check Availability flag set to Yes.
When there is insufficient quantity to fill a Reservation at the location on the reservation header for the period of the reservation, and the associated Group for the item is included in the Group Max Quantities window, then the following actions and requirements are applied to meet the reservation inventory demand:
•Over-Booking and Fulfillment based on Regional Inventory Transfer feature:
Over-bookings are allowed on a Reservation under the following conditions:
oThe Region Reservation Processing is activated.
oThe Groups associated with the products on the reservation are included in the Group Max Quantities table.
oThere must be quantity available for the period of the reservation at another Location within that Branch/Division's Default Inventory Region.
oThe Reservation detail line Date Out must allow for the Regional Reservations Days to ensure there is time to complete the inventory transfer to the reservation location.
e.g. if the 'Regional Reservation Days' is 15, then the Reservation must be at least 15 days in the future.
An Internal Branch Transfer can then be generated to move the available products to the reservation location to fill the over-booking.
The transfers transactions are created by running the Region Reservation Fulfillment utility by Region, either manually or automatically by the INRF20 job from Automatic Reporting.
A Rank can be assigned to a Location in the Region table, to establish a priority for fulfillment.
Note: The shipping and receiving of these transfers must be completed manually through the Internal Transfer Console and if the transfer is not completed to make quantities available, the convert reservation to a contract will fail if Allow Overrides On Location Quantities (for a contract) is not activated in the Company Security Parameters.
•Over-Booking on a Reservation based on External Acquisition for Fulfillment:
When there is no quantity available in the area for a Regional Inventory Transfer, then an over-booking on the Reservation is still allowed if there is sufficient time to acquire the required sales or rental product quantity, under the following conditions:
oThe Region Reservation Processing is activated.
oThe Groups associated with the products on the reservation are included in the Group Max Quantities table.
oThe "Start Date" of the Reservation period for the product detail must allow for (be equal to or greater than) the number of days defined by the Lead Time set for this Division, to allow time for the over-booked quantity to be re-rented or purchased.
oOver-bookings of products and groups on each detail line of the Reservation are only allowed up to the maximum quantity over the regional availability, as specified for the product Group in the Group Max Quantities window.
This quantity restriction applies only to product quantities that could not be filled by a Regional Inventory Transfer.
The Product/Group Bookings Report can be run manually or can be run automatically by the RSRQ10 job from the Automatic Reporting, to identify products or groups that have been overbooked over what is available at the regional level.
This field is display only as this feature is automatically activated if the Default Inventory Region defined below for this Division, has been setup in the Regions table with the following:
1.The Region must be defined as the 'Inventory' type.
2.The 'Reservation' flag must be checked for the Inventory Region.
3.This division must be included in the list of divisions for this Inventory Region where a division can only be listed in one 'Inventory' region that is flagged as 'Reservation'.
Note: When this processing is active for a location, if there is NO available quantity for the period of the reservation at any Location within that Branch/Division's Default Inventory Region, or if the reservation detail 'Start Date' does not allow for the Lead Time, then the overbooking is not allowed on products and groups associated with the Groups listed in the Group Max Quantities window.
Other products that are not associated with the Groups listed in the Group Max Quantities window, are not affected by this processing, and so the Allow Overrides On Location Quantities For Reservations flag in the Company Security Parameters applies.
Set the Regional Reservation Days value to control how availability checking is applied.
•If the product detail Date Out on the Reservation is less than this number of days then standard availability checking applies as there is insufficient time to process an Internal Branch Transfer to move this product to the reservation location, and so no over-booking is allowed even if there is quantity in the region.
•But if the Reservation detail Date Out is greater than this day allowance then the "regional availability checking" applies as there is time to complete a transfer-in of the product if it is available within the Region and so the over-booking is allowed and a transfer will be generated.
Note: Regardless of the Detail Date Out, Inventory transfers will not be created for Reservations with a Header Date Out older than the Auto Purge Days defined in the Company Reservation Parameters.
This is a precaution to prevent transfers from being created for reservations that have expired, but the Daily Close has not yet been run to complete the purge.
If this field is left blank, the day count will use zero so the Region Reservation Fulfillment utility will only look at items out today or older.
If the Region Reservation Fulfillment feature is activated, the Default Inventory Region for this location is displayed for information only, per the Region table.
If the Region Reservation Fulfillment feature is not activated, leave this field blank if this document Division is not associated with an 'Inventory' Region, or enter the default Inventory Region to apply in the Inventory search window on counter documents for this division, or select a region from the drop-down list as setup in the Regions table for inventory.
Note: A Default Customer Region to apply in the 'Customer Search' screens can be defined for this division in the Divisions.
The purpose of setting a Lead Time allowance on over-bookings is to ensure staff has enough time to organize a re-rent or to buy extra stock before the Reservation order is due.
Set the Lead Time in days to limit the over-bookings on Reservations for this division of products in a specific set of Groups defined in the Regional Reservation Group Max Quantities window, so that overbookings up to a pre-defined quantity are only allowed if the Reservation start date is outside the Lead Time.
Note: The Lead Time is not related to the Regional Inventory Transfer feature.
The Regional Reservation Group Max Quantities window is provided to define the Groups that can be over-booked based on the Regional Reservation Fulfillment processing, and to define the maximum over booked quantity limit allowed above the Regional Inventory Transfer quantity.
The prompts to setup the Regional Reservation Group Max Quantities values are:
The Division/Location code and description are displayed for reference.
Enter each Group for sales and for rental products that should utilize either the Regional Inventory Transfer feature or the Lead Time fulfillment feature, or select it from the Group Search window.
This includes products that could be found in the region and for which a transfer should be created to move them to the reservation location, and also products that should respect the Lead Time for re-rent or purchase to fill the reservation.
Other products that are not associated with the Groups listed in this table, are not affected by this Regional Reservation Fulfillment processing, and so the Allow Overrides On Location Quantities For Reservations flag in the Company Security Parameters applies to over-booking situations.
The corresponding Group description displays.
Enter the maximum quantity per product detail line that can be over-booked for items in this Group, over the Regional Inventory Transfer quantity, before the Reservation over-booking is blocked.
e.g. When over-booking on a Reservation, and 2 could be supplied by a Regional Transfer and the 'Maximum Qty' for the Group is 6, then a total of 8 can actually be over-booked on the Reservation.
A warning is only generated on the Reservation detail if the operator attempts to overbook the maximum number of units, otherwise the reservation detail overbooks the exceeded location quantity automatically from other stores in the region.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Regional Reservation Group Max Quantities screen include:
•Update the Max Quantity Values for Groups:
Click the EXPORT/IMPORT button to access the Regional Reservation Group Max utility to update the Maximum quantity allowed to be over-booked per detail line for each Group.
Topic Keyword: RSDV90I / INDG01 (6100)