Export/Import Vendor Information
Utilities Menu -> Data Export/Import Utilities -> Export/Import Vendor Information
This utility can be used to update supplier information in the Vendor Information file by exporting the existing values and re-importing the modified values.
Note: No audit log is written to track these changes made to the Vendor Information so operator security on this utility is advised.
The action flow includes:
Select one of the following actions:
•Create Worksheet:
Click Export option in the radio group to generate a spreadsheet with the existing values for the vendors as outlined in Vendor Info Export.
•Move the Saved Text File to the Server:
Click Upload File to copy the tab-delimited text file created from the saved Vendor Info Export from your client machine to the data directory on the server in preparation for importing.
The Select a File to Upload utility is used to search for the file and to rename it to "vendor_info.txt" before completing the upload.
File upload success or failure is displayed.
•Update the Vendors with the new Values:
Click Import to update the vendor data in Vendor Information with the new values as outlined in Vendor Info Import.
Note: This import respects the Valid Vendor Terms Required flag set in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters, so that only terms defined in the Vendor Terms Descriptions table can be assigned in the Vendor Information.
•Exit 'Update Vendor Info' sub-menu:
Click Cancel when no further action from this sub-menu is required.
Click OK to initiate the action selected in the radio group.
Topic Keyword: APVF34 (6502)