Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Vendor Info Export

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Export/Import Vendor Information -> Vendor Info Export

This export utility can be used to select the vendor records to be updated and to generate a spreadsheet with or without the existing values for the selected vendors.
 The 'Vendor #' cannot be changed, but all other values on the spreadsheet columns can be updated with the Vendor Info Import.

The prompts are:


Accept the date format default as defined for your company in Company Information, or enter the preferred format.
 i.e. North America = mm/dd/yyyy , European = dd/mm/yyyy


Check this box to generate a blank spreadsheet with the vendor field columns but no values.

Uncheck this box to select relevant vendors and to populate the resulting spreadsheet with the values currently assigned to those vendors.


This filter is disabled if a blank template is being generated.

Type ALL to include all vendors in the output.

Enter a specific vendor number to export, or select one from the Vendor Search window.

Type SEL to select a multiple specific vendors to include as outlined in Select Vendors window.


Click ACCEPT to generate the spreadsheet or CANCEL to abort.

Resulting Spreadsheet:

The resulting spreadsheet includes the Vendor number for reference. This field cannot be updated by this import process.

Any other existing values on the spreadsheet can be updated by this process.

The date format must match the defined format.
 i.e. North America = mm/dd/yyyy , European = dd/mm/yyyy

Modify the spreadsheet with the correct values.

The Vendor numbers on the import file must already exist, as any new vendor numbers that do not find a match in the Vendor Information table will be ignored on the import.

On import, the option is provided to ignore blank values in the import fields and to leave existing data in those fields unchanged, or to import the blank fields as blank removing existing vendor data in those fields.

Save the Revised Data:
 When the values are all updated on the worksheet, save the completed spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file on your client machine, then use the Select a File to Upload utility to move the saved text file from your client to the server in preparation for re-importing the data with Vendor Info Import.

Topic Keyword: APVF34A (6503)