Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Vendor Info Import

Utilities Menu -> Data Export/Import Utilities -> Export/Import Vendor Information -> Vendor Info Import

After the vendor information has been updated in the worksheet generated from Vendor Info Export and the resulting saved tab-delimited text file as been moved to the server using the Select a File to Upload utility, the modified vendor information can be re-imported using this Vendor Info Import.

The prompts are:


Accept the date format default as defined for your company in Company Information, or enter the format used on the spreadsheet and import file.
 i.e. North America = mm/dd/yyyy , European = dd/mm/yyyy


Check this box if blank data fields on the import file should be ignored so that existing data in those fields is not removed.
 Uncheck this box if blank data fields on the import file should be imported as blank values replacing existing data in those fields.

Proceed ?

Click ACCEPT to initiate the import, or CANCEL to abort.
 If the import was initiated, a spreadsheet listing the records to be changed is generated for review purposes.
 Any data errors are listed on the last column of the spreadsheet.
 Confirmation to update the vendors is then required.

Note: All Vendor numbers on the import file must already exist in the Vendor Information table or they will be ignored on the import.
 i.e. This utility cannot be used to add new vendors.

Proceed with Import?
 Confirmation to import the data is required, and if there are errors the option is provided to proceed with the import for only the records that have no errors.

Note: A record lock could occur on APVF if another operator is viewing one of the vendors in the import file.
 The import will re-try until the locked vendor record is released.

Topic Keyword: APVF34C (6504)